just a heads up devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Spilatch, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. I agree that the social aspect is what keeps this game a lot more fun to me than the other games I have played but just turn your clan into an osw clan that will get people a whole lot more active plus there are no build requirements
  2. Well said
    Very true
  3. Spil Only a few players in the game will understand your plight.
    Most of them will never truly quit [Devs win]
    Those that do not have a good home and bounce around for HTE/Hunts will continue to do so unaware of what they are missing. [Devs win]
    The few that do get tired of facing the same three clans war after war, may quit, and there are 1-200? Not really a dent in the 20,000 different players currently playing.
    The fun factor has definatly waned lately.

    (Fyi : Second place is still second place)
  4. Spil nice post , although i usually disagree with your stupid ass  this one ill support because i do see what your saying
  5. Thnx punch........ I think 
  6. @op. You said that at "the heart of this game is a war game"

    I disagree. At the heart if this game is nothing more than a glorified chat room "thinly veiled as a war game"

    I read that somewhere and it rings true.
  7. Events are also damaging the social aspect of the game.
  8. I guess you're right in a way Minnie. It's a social app. But just as I enjoy playing horseshoes with my RL friends, I really enjoy warring with my friends in kaw. I guess I should've said it's the heart of the game for me. Ebs are just to make gold so I can war. The equip I get is to make me stronger in war. Everything I so in the game is to improve in war.

    And the tough part is , that the one thing we really love in this game , is actually driving people away and tearing people apart.

    That was the point I was trying to convey .
  9. And well said my dylacer 
  10. No support
  11. Just a heads up and no disrespect but clans are not using exploits . Clans are using kaw merchants bfa is key in war . Anyone cried about gh now it's sh and lb . When really it's not the build big or small bfa is key think about it that's not a exploit in a war game. If I was a dev I wouldn't have nerf gh cause bfa will always be there and most willing to pay for it others well they cry to devs about **** being unfair.
  12. I gave up on my old account 2years ago because of a war that my admin started and after the war everyone in my clan left except for my one really good friend that i met he lives across the world so i dont know him in person but i grew a strong relation with him after the war the other clan tormented me for a month after the war so i quit and a month and a half ago i started up again to give it a try with a new account i enjoy the game way more now with noone tormenting me thats why i think TERRA is right good for u terra and for anyone who wants to know even though u probaly could care less me and my friend from 2 years ago are friends again
  13. Support. More wars!
  14. Spill you noob. I always find It funny when we get called noobs for having a opinion. Normally from fools who's played for 12 month, but think they've been here forever. Wouldn't bother me if they been here 5 years but not that many have. Good post by the way, we won't be going anywhere.
  15. I love sh who have somehow been brainwashed into thinking what they are doing is not an exploit.

    Now if you are warring WITH AN ALL SH ROSTER kudos to you.

    But if the top of your roster has more than 2 lb . And the bottom has more than half sh. Sorry , wake up , you're cheating , and I'm comfortable saying that now as the more I see it the more t sickens me. Lol
  16. Where in the tou that say that is cheating in a ee war? I understand how you feel ,but if you put together that same roster then that is free will to war how ever you want. No cheating in that just doing what you feel you need to win some can find lb some can't but still war. Like I said before bfa is key you can have same stats but if one have bigger bfa bfe that's not devs problem I think. But good luck to you sir!
  17. U don't need 8 sh to war. Maybe stop being scared and actually cast a variety of builds.