I enjoy osw probably more then most it doesn't phase me I like that style of play it's more entertaining, but just because I faught of the idea it doesn't mean it's for my benefit, I'm guessing the guy who invented eyelash curlers doesn't use them. Nightmare I hit someone once on battle list yesterday it caused a osw
I am not vanyard. We are two different ppl but I will just say no support to the idea to put it in a nicer way.
Sly my old mate, u of all people shouldn't be asking that question do u not remember the osw? U and ur buddy's trying to keep me pinned. I was in black hand during osw... they made some decisions I wasn't happy with so I moved to hog to carry on with osw. Numerous account can confirm I didn't run.
OK then what would u call hitting me with a friend till had no spy's? Maybe there's a different name for it. My bad I only been playing kaw a short time.
Lol ur dtw. No thanks if I'm going to war it will be someone who fights out of pin. U can stop stealing it's pretty obvious ur spies are bigger then mine with that nothing on. Try my spy account u might impress me. I think u should respect the cf in place. We have been there and done that it wasn't interesting.
I support the idea, make it easy to help the noobies who legit need help with ebs, but im too lazy to leave clan. I'd help the noobies all the time. Btw I love the peeps that advertise BL but do they hit it? NOPE :lol: (your battle losses speak wonders) Btw hey fen how you been.
Hey oli it's been a while. I'm good thanks, how are you?. I have nothing to prove to these fake BL hitters the internet is the easiest place to pretend ur something ur not. Loses do talk alot I have none to impress here my friends know how I play so do my enemy's the rest can piss off lol.
Seriously Popadoms have higher IQ's then some of u forumers, no wonder people don't come here. It's like the hills have eyes... please lock this thread I promise not to come back. It's like teaching a fish to ride a bike. Explaining myself over and over