Junior All Star War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Martin-TS2, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. So have the rosters been locked then ? Lol guess I'm to late to join
  2. I'm outside x-beasts anyone want to get door
  3. Someone wanna let me join their clan
  4. Notice clan owners empty out ur members as im going to re do rosters
  5. So what r the 4 clans called ?
  6. I think from all the disorganization and mix up its just a lost cause now. :/
  7. What your redoing ??? Come on already how many times do you need to change
  8. Just call it off already.
  9. Holy ****..... I have a better idea. Scrap this, and someone who knows how to plan and can get on a pc creates a new thread with some sort of plan so we don't end up with this hell hole
  11. Its set for The 20th thats what everyone said they wanted to me so you may go to your clans and plan with your group a strategy.
  12. IF ITS ON THE 20th THEN IM IN .
  13. Calm down guys, they are probably preparing to release an updated thread
  14. Hurry the **** up
  15. i am okay with 5th or 20th but more people said 20th

    remember to sign up on camouflaged wall if you want to participate :D :lol:
  16. It isn't that easy. They are handling 400 players here
  17. 20th is too far out, and too much can/will go wrong in between now and then.