Junior All Star War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Martin-TS2, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Ur owning me your just burning my pots and now x-beasts is back in JASW so we may continue without -SilentWalker- but of corse he will be a forever farm until I get am apology on my wall and steal all my money in pots back

    Man I was looking forward to killing him in JASW
  2. ^not gonna happen..
  3. We have seen the posts about wanting to move date up

    The reason it is farther back is so more people can sign up

    People have money to buy pots because at that level it's hard to get enough money to buy pots

    And people will have a chance to get to know their clan mates and make a strategy for WAR
  4. I stole 10mill :) I purposely failed :)
  5. Already have CA is STRIP SIR **** A LOT
  6. We don't wanna hear about this cat fight here guys, settle it like men.
  7. But I'm not a man :)
  8. Then settle it like women
  9. I'm not a woman
  10. Just make up, I don't give a flying **** what you are
  12. I'm up for it. Sign me up.
  13. X-beastsalready getting on ppl nerves  just wait till actual war starts
  14. Zcr is gonna win.  lol. Jk. Its gonna be hard for all clans and gonna be a challenge.
  15. Keep posting on this thread