Junior All Star War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Martin-TS2, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. That would be good :) /\
  2. Put chief in ZCR! We are really lacking strong players...
  3. I signed up but I've not been assigned a clan :S
  4. keep this at the top so Everton can see it
  5. Yes u are polo ur in ZCR
  6. 
    All Bound-By-Blood JASW members please follow me.
  7. -SilentWalker- has been BANNED from JASW he is farming me and has kicked me from x-beasts
  8. X-Beasts needs a good admin and silent walker is going to loose the war for them
  9. Shame u aren't owner :(
  10. Owner of x-beasts said I could kick you, you were on my HL which means ur now crying bout which also means ur butt hurt
  11. Dilly started the idea of jasw then u come along
  12. It is my clan he is owning
  13. Yh I'm owning you :)
  14. 
  15. Put Hidude2010 on x-beasts