Junior All Star War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Martin-TS2, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. That's x-beasts roster
  2. So everyone on X-Beasts are on Zero Cool?
  3. No sorry this is the zero cool reborn roster that was x-beasts

    61. MasterEdPro21
    63. iLLiLLi-RiR-jay-RiR-iLL
    64. Kradez
    65. LividDave
    66. Ryaz05
    67. KK_Hobbit_KK
    68. Slick_Pulla
    69. -BloodOrange-
    70. Theahh
  4. No gking he made a typo
  5. @Camo, I know, I was being sarcastic.
  6. Must off been a typo
    Must off been a typo
    Must off been a typo
    Must off been a typo
  7. Also I don't see my name on any of these lists.....
  8. Whoa did not mean that
  9. Gking u can be on my team
  10. Updated list for zero cool and everyone who applied this morning is coming out in 10 min

    JASW is going to be in war so those who want to be in war can post on his wall now
  11. **** u king
  12. Whoa ^ if u want to not join my clan thats ok
  13. @Moha, :| Ok........................
  14. Not meant at reset but mohammmmmaaaad
  15. Gking he said love u gking but devs censored love
  16. :lol:

    Then how can you say it?