Jungle Warfare is a RIPOFF

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RXURDay, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. It is a new epic battle for small accounts. Which is a good thing in my opinion. 
  2. Fair point! While the item phase would of course be less demanding if shared by your clanmates, we've gone ahead and reduced the item cost required to complete this phase. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Fair do's to devs they are going through these complaints and fixing stuff
  4. It would be nice if you didn't lose game money on the eb.
  5. I only got skulls the first time...
  6. Like a whole 760 million op?
  7. Aww poor baby
  8. What mal said on first page
  9. It's ripoff...of Avatar
  10. No support it is for feathers it gives feathers and it give 100 if u have a good ee dont complain in forums just because ur not satisfied
  11. I used 1 locust and it was my only action in the EB.
    Check my clans history (6 days ago). I was paid out 35.7 mill.
    Not sure at what point you start losing gold with locust swarm. Too many items = less gold I guess.
    And yeah the EB sucks. Skull drops about as good as scroll drops in ss
  12. Is it a rip off? Perhaps its just the devs sense of humour. Think of it as Noob tax.
  13. You probably did the pot phase wrong.