Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* You all learn how to be ninjas and I learn how to win, seems fun
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* Wait wait, I was incorrect... It was actually... Neil Armstrong
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* Life and Dotnet! Score: Pharty and Anar in 1st with 4 1/2 Life and in second with 3 Franc and Dotner with 2 1/2 Fourth? Let's just go with Poison
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* Okay! By what name was Edward Teach better known? (On 13 I believe)
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* money and diamonds just for you snoopy, can I be in first?
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* I'm guessing KaW? or KaW admin? orrrr, idk Devs are technically mods right?
Re: June KaW Forum Trivia! *WIN A SEAL* Pharty and Life! Score: Pharty in 1st with 5 1/2 Anar in second with 4 1/2 Life in third with 4 Kayuza in fourth with 3 1/2 Franc and Dotnet in fifth with 2 1/2 Dotnet with 1 1/2 in fifth you noob