Based on last weeks tragic event in Tunisia it's likely someone would want to try and attack the USA. Perhaps not a group but simply a man with a few guns attacking beach parties or barbecues. It would be very difficult to prevent such an attack by a lone gunman.
But you let the government take rights away with the patriots act etc, so we are already in fear. Open carry is cancer no reason to carry anything more then a pistol unless you're trying to compensate for something. Even then how scared are you?
Because the Muslim Brotherhood officials that President Obama has put into positions within the government stop then doing so. I think if american troops went sticking their nose into most countries business they would end up being killed. It just happens that Muslims are whose business they are dealing with.
Fear is one of the most powerfull weapons. The true leadership (Banks, lobbyists, Media) try to make mice out of people
Another idiot on a game looking to turn every topic into a political debate. Must have that Facebook degree in politics. Open carry is a cancer? Opinions are like assholes, we all have one. I don't recall saying anything about "more than a pistol", but I appreciate your input on that as well. As for being scared, I didn't say I walk around with a gun strapped on, but I'm sure my chances of being a crime victim are lower than yours.
A politiical debate? I just added on to what what he said. He said by staying home we show fear. But yet we allow the government to take our rights away because of fear. Never said you carry more then a pistol but most people that use open carry run into wall arts with ar 15's to compensate. Mines fairly low mate I live in a good town where I don't need a gun, we had one murder last year in the ghetto side of town and I don't live there so. Do 't worry me I live in a decent place where I don't need to worry about my safety il soon be a victim of crime.
There's a difference between fear of bodily harm, and letting the government take you for a ride. Ones Alot more political than the other. And ar15's? Do you live in an area with open carry? Because personally I've never seen somebody walking around town with an ar15.
I wonder if other counties go on heightened alert against American invasions since that happens far more often then "terrorist attacks" on the US.
Here you can only open carry with pistols, but last time I went to Texas I seem it quite a bit. But then again I was in Texas
Why do you Americans think guns will even protect you against a terror attack? Hardly any of you are even trained to even use the thing, no cod is not a training simulation... The terrorists would be willing to throw their lives away and would have been going to training to kill all the time they have been within that terror organisation, yet hardly any of you will have ever taken a life. FYI most of you will break down in tears or run away if a man run at you with a bomb strapped to his chest. Better yet you wouldn't even know who is the terrorist until it's too late. But questioning if the terror attack is real or not isn't the way to go, if someone announces they are going to attack a certain area it's misleading, because they can just easily switch the target if you take the bait. Also this is a terror attack they wouldn't have to even attack to cause fear, because a terror attack is something that will lead you to live in fear.
Isis wont strike lol the fact that you think they will just means you're paranoid and should stop smoking the wacky smoke
The threat in America is no bigger today than it was yesterday. The media, however, ca hype the hell out of this non story and sell papers
Ironically if the media hadn't hyped up terrorism then people wouldn't be as scared lel I mean theyd still be scared, just not as paranoid, the media makes it out as though we have no control over the attacks when really i think we have pretty decent security on the most part
If terrorists reeeaaally wanted to make a splash, the 4th of July is only a "ho hum" day to attack. The Super Bowl is America's last truly communal experience. More Americans tune into the tube for those few hours than anything else. The terrorist that really wants to cause disruption and anger would strike there, but that's never gonna happen because such a high profile target has more security than Fort Knox. Still, I could see attempts being made there. A bomb in the parking lot detonated just before kick off, or possibly a suicide bomber blowing himself up in line at s security check could still garner all the attention needed, stop the game, and get the nation talking. Just my moosey 2 cents worth
Moose, I believe you are referencing a movie with Ben "Very Bad Actor" Afflack, my apologies for name misspell, as young Jack Ryan ( don't remember the movie name). But you are correct. A "dirty bomb" at an event such as the Super Bowl, with all those watching it on TV, would be devasting, but not to the extent repeating 9/11. Anyway, happy 4th to those that celebrate it and to all others, . Happy KAW'ing ️
I feel we should not be scared. They are TERRORists after all. Like playground bullies we should not give them the satisfaction they want. Buuutttt yeah I like high military alert as well XD