So missing a tooth automatically means meth usage? So painting out face means we're on meth lol? You want to share that salt your hording there with the rest of us?
Batdog, just ignore him. He's a worthless troll who thinks his lack of class is humor. Also I'm not a Juggalo, I know a few who are far more productive citizens than you most likely are Todd. Now let them be and have their thread.
...if you're missing a toof and choose to spend your money on booze, face makeup, & concert tickets (& meth) instead of fixing said toof I would safely assume that meth (alright to be fair might be crack) or some other mind altering substance that impairs judgement would be involved?
I made this post for juggalos and inane clown posse fans so we can talk about the stuff we enjoy and to make new friends. But obviously there are some haters on here saying we do meth and ttying to bully us! Well if loosing a toof and liking icp means you do meth,then youre also on meth because Im pretty sure there are people who have lost teef and actually do meth who like the same music as you...idiot! And if you are here to just post hate then you are making a fool of your self...if you dont like ICP or juggalos then you can just click off my post. Stop wasting your time you dumb hater trolls. WHOOOP WHOOOP
Instead of making a thread about silly clowns, make one about being unemployed because you can't pee clean, liking underaged girls and mixing 5'oclock vodka into the 3 litre of faygo moon mist that you begged your mom to buy at the Dollar Tree. Oh, crap, that's still about juggalos. Sorry. whoop whoop
Funny, im a Juggalo & can pass a drug test with flying colors, I choose not to mix my vodka, & buy my own moonmist. Oh! Also my wife is over thr legal drinking age as well as myself. Nice try though.