Joke Thread!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --Aether--, May 12, 2015.

  1. The Chickens!
  2. Want to hear a joke? ATA support team.
  3. Support
  4. Did you know that if you scream "bloody Mary" in the mirror 3 times your parents will tell you to shut up and go back to sleep?
  5. Jokes on you, I don't have a mirror.
  6. What kind of tree can fit in your hand?

    Palm tree :p
  7. I was gonna post a certain joke but it's against the ToU

    So here's something that isn't against the ToU but is highly amusing!

    Did you hear about the thief who stole the calendar? No? Apparently he got twelve months!

    What did one plate say to the other? Lunch is on me!

    I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.

    I entered 10 puns into a joke contest, I checked to see if any won, but no pun in ten did :(
  8. Maybe try some that sounds the same...
  9. It's the pianist joke.
  10. What do you call a gay dinosaur? Mega-sore-ass
  11. 
  12. This is offense #1. 3rd offenses are final and you will be silenced indefinitely. 2 to Go.
  13. What? Did we get a new mod on the team?
  14. I think that's the joke
  15. Its All about your Face.
    Dont get Offended (Banner) lol
  16. Why dont cannibals eat clowns?
    Because they taste funny!
  17. What do you call a blonde with dyed brunette hair?

    Artificial intelligenge!
  18. I went out with the most beautiful girl the other night. The next day I was telling all my friends about it and they were saying "ya right, she's made up it's all in your head." Well the jokes on them, cause so are they!
  19. That's like an old expression or whatever you call it. But it's talking about someone who committed suicide.