Re: Join Lurking Chaos ──────────────────▒ ─────────────────░█ ────────────────███ ───────────────██ღ█ ──────────────██ღ▒█──────▒█ ─────────────██ღ░▒█───────██ ─────────────█ღ░░ღ█──────█ღ▒█ ────────────█▒ღ░▒ღ░█───██░ღღ█ ───────────░█ღ▒░░▒ღ░████ღღღ█ ───░───────█▒ღ▒░░░▒ღღღ░ღღღ██─────░█ ───▓█─────░█ღ▒░░░░░░░▒░ღღ██─────▓█░ ───██─────█▒ღ░░░░░░░░░░ღ█────▓▓██ ───██────██ღ▒░░░░░░░░░ღ██─░██ღ▒█ ──██ღ█──██ღ░▒░░░░░░░░░░ღ▓██▒ღღ█ ──█ღღ▓██▓ღ░░░▒░░░░░░░░▒░ღღღ░░▓█ ─██ღ▒▒ღღ░░ღღღღ░░▒░░░░ ღღღღ░░ღღღ██ ─█ღ▒ღღ█████████ღღ▒░ღ██████████ღ▒█░ ██ღღ▒████████████ღღ████████████░ღ█▒ █░ღღ████████████████████████████ღღ█ █▒ღ██████████████████████████████ღ█ ██ღღ████████████████████████████ღ██ ─██ღღ██████████████████████████ღ██ ──░██ღღ██████████████████████ღღ██ ────▓██ღ▒██████████████████▒ღ██ ───░──░███ღ▒████████████▒ღ███ ────░░───▒██ღღ████████▒ღ██ ───────────▒██ღ██████ღ██ ─────────────██ღ████ღ█ ───────────────█ღ██ღ█ ────────────────█ღღ█ ────────────────█ღ█░ ─────────────────██░
Bump and update. We are currently looking for new perms who actually have a desire to be loyal to a family and have fun playing. Those with osw experience preferred. We truly want awesome players we have fun and really care about our members you just apply to me or are higher admin. If you're an alt we need to know your main and other alts. We'd really prefer only main accounts. We're doing pretty well with what we have now but we'd like to do harder ebs faster. So please come join us. We don't want moochers or unloyal members.