
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -DaKiller-, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Why girls though moose? XD I got a pair. He dosnt. And I fight people my size or bigger ( Shaun is my reference xD )
  2. this thread started off kind of sad. The OP looked silly. Then you came on and lowered your self to the same level, so now you nigh look silly, hence my mild amusement. Its just my moosey 2 cents worth , nothing more.

    Ill give you both props for using the PvP aspect of the game anyhow 
  3. Lol ok? I'm sticking up for another player while making fun of OP at the some time :p so
  4. Trying not to break ToU cause your on this thread >:)
  5. Op why would you even post this?

    Nobody thinks you are cool or good at farming or whatever, the guy you farmed earlier had 350cs and you act like you beat his ass in. After Joey gets done with you I will 1v1 you with my alt.
  6. If I were to farm someone I would not say a word and constantly hit, but in your case OP it would seem as tho you really wanted attention, when a simple wall (or PM) post would have been sufficient.
  7. Hunper you got a couple months? That's when I'm stopping
    -Joey :)
  8. :| why did you make this thread? But this is still hilarious :lol:
  9. Glad to know I can make people laugh while farming the **** out if someone 

    -Joey :)
  10. Farmers complaining about being farmed always makes me laugh :lol:
  11. correct? moo!!!
  12. still learning how to use color on here
  13. Is there a cf between you two jw
  14. need some where to test these bb codes lol so here it is
  15. No frog xD retard.

    And no no cf
  16. All this bypass stuff on first pages...

    Jack and then ass surely the same as..

  17. Lol xD way to go figuring that out ;)
    -Joey :)
  18. -_-

    He Is Watching
  19. Joey ive got plenty of time