Jenni, Jenni, Jenni...... You insist on making up random conversations that never happened. Farming occurred after you farmed first. I was only defending myself. My poor dear, please go back to the doctor so they can properly adjust your dose of lithium. You sanity is starting to concern me
Cuz as far as i know we are still warring. Im still waiting to be stripped by u i tore down my build so i can tear ur clan down from the ground up :roll:
Tearing down build usually implicates that you can't keep up with the opponent… at least, that's the most common case when fighting against many.
my main Cost's owner wouldnt be happy if i reset.....So i tore my build to save gold...........i'll get back my gold i lost from your clan... just wait
:roll: ur right i was at a disadvantage there and couldnt keep up....i was SOS complete...i just needed to upgrade them....u guys cant hitme now and i'll work my way up ur clan's
I've never understood why people would feel compelled to tear down builds or reset. The concept is as stupid as this thread.
Ahhhh yes, the old "destroy your own army to somehow destroy your enemy" tactic. Must be the unwritten chapter by Sun Tzu in The Art of War. Brilliant! Maybe you should rename your account, "5_watt"...because that's about how bright you are. Oh wait, I have an idea. Nob up to go hcbc now, then tear it all down. That will REALLY crush us. By the way, please whine on my wall. It makes me smile
The holidays are almost over Jenni, better start getting some snacks for school. Also I am declaring you the new Xena_Warrior-Princess. Have fun on forums.
12 hours after i tore my build im amost back up to 1mill CS and am raising hell on the resilience fam :roll: :roll: :roll: i also need one more attack defended for a shiny medel