Jenni VS. Psychosis

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jennifer, Oct 2, 2012.

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  1. That's not that early… for both…
  2. That's forum join date.
  3. did you seriously just post your tz in forums?
  4. I'm hoping on PC.
  5. hopping**
  6. Forum join date and date you joined KaW may be different.
  7. Yes. It doesn't differ by 10 months though,
  8. pose has been around a fairly long time and is pretty damn experienced. He was good when I had still only just started. He's a good player and you can't base skill on the stats. Hell, some eb players just nob there way to the top.

    Also, I tend to agree with Eric and pose on the war argument. When you have to keep banking gold you lose a lot, plus even failed hits use your pots up.

    If your doing it properly, you don't have anything out. If you do, either they don't care enough about you to take you seriously or your about to become a lot poorer.

    Just my opinions.

    Farr out
  9. :O Farcodile???

    I thought you quit!
    This is a bloody miracle.
  10. Also, that's forum join date, not game join date. I found forums a bit after I started, which was late 2010. It says I started early 2011
  11. @Farr: Was your post at the thread, or at someone in specific? :roll:
  12. Sup pose!

    I did for a while, as forums was a train wreck and everyone else was going but I decided to come back on and off until iPad broke. Just got fixed recently so I became active again.
  13. I went through our chat history, it has been almost 10 months since we've talked. How's it been?
  14. Freaking keyboard lagging. Misses bits all the time. Sorry night rush mate, it was meant to say at beginning of post "@jenni" but iPad still a bit dodgy.
  15. Yeah ok. One of my mates dad's past away recently and it's been tough on him. Other than that its been good.

  16. My iPod's keyboard is terrible but I type ridiculously fast on it so i just ignore the lag and my psychic powers tell me where the letters are. By the time I have finished my sentence my iPod has barely done half of it.
  17. He'll be in my prayers. <3
  18. Thanks pose. He was a great guy and it's terrible he passed away but what can we do?

    At keyboard. Yeah I know! So annoying
  19. im sorry :cry: i feel horrible now. Your friends dad is in a better placenow...i'll pray for ur friend
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