Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIVladIII, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Its an Abrahamic religion. I thought discussion of Abrahamic history was on topic, since these two holed up in a supermarket are going for martyrdom
  2. I said the Slave Trade.
    Read your history books, please.
  3. Meditating?
    What? Since when does Islam ask it's followers to meditate in the streets?
  4. thats a part of history and prove me other wise then noob show me where their is not a case of someone yelling allah is great allah is god while not weilding a matchete chopping heads or spraying bullets at people with an ak 47 or running people over
  5. Moving on R.I.P to the innocent people killed, pretty sure it's not gonna be the last but hey this world is extremely screwed ️
  6. You can't have one without the other. You really aren't that smart are you
  7. Meh.
    I'm done defending myself. It's clear that there's too many people who cannot accept the validity and true goodness behind peoples' beliefs.
    I'd implore you guys to read the Qu'ran before you make ignorant, unsupported and inaccurate accusations against it.
  8. RIP to all victims prays to them and their families
  9. I've read the koran. It's full of Surah's that are very spacey and unstructured for the writings at that time. Its really not that great of a read.

    Edit: Id encourage everyone to read it, so they can see for themselves how bumbling and broken the text is
  10. My condolences go to those killed, their families and friends.
    As for the terrorists. Disgusting.
  11. Dude. You are seriously mistaken. When the Ottoman Empire took Christian lands in Europe, they didn't kill the Christians. They were tolerant of them, even kind to them for that time period. In the Ottoman Empire, Christians were simply considered lower citizens than Muslims were. Christians weren't slaughtered and were allowed to practice their religion.

    Meanwhile, in Europe, entire villages would be slaughtered because they were Protestant instead of Catholic and vice-versa.
  12. Even the Romans executed Christians.
  13. If you really have read it, and really think that, well... I can't do anything to help you.
    I'd request you to read it with an open mind. Don't Let your own beliefs cloud your judgement. Just read it as if you'd never known anything else. I'd be intrigued to see what you'd think of it then.
  14. Hmmmm - personally I base my view on "the unmentionable " by they're deeds..... Needless to say I'm unimpressed, perhaps (as I mentioned earlier ) if they didn't use the tools of the "modern times" and continued as they have in the deserts n mountains of the M.E, and retired to their cave to read the stone tablet Q book, we wouldn't have these probs.

    Western civilization and "Islam" are not compatible - every country they go to (why leave your prosperous cave) they all congregate and make their own suburbs..... Then build a mosque.

    Smelly, in closing your bringing next to nuthin to the table....... I'm sick to death of the apologists for radical extremism. Finish your arts degree , let the world pay your way

  15. Lol you just aren't reading it right, or you aren't smart enough to understand.
  16. And Christians wouldn't build a Church? Is that what you're saying? If your government fell and a civil war broke out and you moved to a country with a different religion to keep your family safe you wouldn't want to practise your religion?

    Come on. Be realistic
  17. Well we have 3 dead terrorists and 1 on the run. We also have several dead hostages. Thoughts and prayers with the people of France.
  18. Then why did the ottoman empire wage war on the christian byzantine empire?
  20. Umm it's an empire?
    It's like saying..
    Why did Christian Britain seize control of India?