He is not ignorant. He's just open minded. Maybe those terrorists are gays. So 70 male virgins will be a blessing for them.
Where do I said that Quran promise 70 virgins? I was talking about the-arse-kicker posts. But if you said that those terrorists get no reward what can I say? Bunch of losers.
Soap - I've told u b4 - being blind to what's happening is your way of dealing with life. Spec forces is how real ppl deal with real dangerous situations, call me ignorant ,whatever - the sooner the extremists get whacked the better. Which won't have any impact on your rosey holier than thou life.
Okay, so people are allowed to be derogatory against Islam now? Don't tell me this is freedom of speech - it's not. It's abuse of the freedom, used to incite hatred. So am I free to make fun of Christianity in forums? Nope, that would be offensive. So am I free to make fun of Judaism in the forums? Oh no, because that would be anti-semitic. "Just think of the Holocaust!" They'd say. This is a joke.
Ohhh btw , in "working man land" we say koran...... But u say it in whAtever rainbow fuzzy style you like
What are you on about? I'm 100% against these extremists, they're animals. They shouldn't even be called humans. And sorry I didn't understand what you said at the end there...
Of course you can joke about Christianity, about judaism. You can even tell your jokes on the streets. Yes, you might offend some bigots. Yes they may be angry on you. But guess what!? You are not going to be killed over it.
Europe has had a not-so-good economy in the past decade so there's reason to see why there'd be protests. Also we can see a correlation (but not causation) with the immigration and recession within the past decade as the wave of refugees from the Middle East came to Europe when USA invaded countries and when governments toppled. The protests are also part of a recent rise in German nationalism. People blame the losses of their jobs on the arrival of immigrants who will work for lower wages and work harder.
I actually never mentioned "that unmentionable " name , heaven forbid - if someone doesn't like what I've said I'll get whacked......by some guy espousing 600bc rubbish. Here's an idea soap - get with civilization, realise your parents don't owe you a living , get a job and be a prod octave member of society. My guess is your "uni"..... (The world doesn't owe u a living )
Are Christians going around murderin people? Make fun of whoever the hell you like no skin off my nose.... I will continue to have my opinion how I want you choose to read and respond
That's a circular argument. You are trying to prove that you're correct because you claim the person who disagrees with you isn't credible, instead of you disproving them with actual logical reasoning.
"Christians" fueled and began the slave trade. "Christians" killed hundreds of thousands in the slave trade. "Christians" founded the Cu Clux Clan (had to change letters to avoid bypass) "Christians" dropped the two atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. "Christians" formed the IRA, killing thousands in their acts. I don't know what planet you're on, seriously.