Would you two twits like other religions to be judged by the same standards ? Because almost every one has its share of crazy fools wanting to commit horrible acts with the justification of " God says it's ok " Hindus rioting and killing Muslims burning trains with passengers , the westboro baptists The Klan and all the other Waccos praising God and passing the ammunition. The Majority of Muslims are good decent people trying to raise families by their standards yes the fundamental groups have committed heinous acts and should and hopefully will be punished. Don't smear don't stereo-type and stop spreading hate.
I don't see nothing wrong with putting pressure on jihadist types or even Muslims to some extent. As a American, if you have noticed everyone is always under pressure to improve for lack of better words. I can't name a group of people who hasn't been met with ridicule. From top to bottom. I'm sure the French understand this fairly well. It's okay when it's not a group of people you identify with? Take it with a grain of salt.
You comparing the klan and Westbrook baptist church to Isis and terrorists? That's kind of funny... After that statement it kind of leaves what you said before and after it pretty irrelevant... Like the peaceful majority
There's nothing to compare the Klan with. Not these days. The Klan today is just a silly joke and with goofs as members. The 40-50 years ago Klan, yes... But not in 21th century. Maybe is time for others to join us in 21th century aswell and stop living in medieval ages.
This "Je suis Charlie" thing is ridiculous. News channels, social media... They all talk about how "the pen" should be granted unrestricted freedom. I agree that the pen is a force for good in the right hands... But seriously. This crap about having unrestricted freedom of the pen is ridiculous. If I went around publishing discriminatory cartoons of women and children brutally murdered in the Holocaust, would that be lawful? Well, this "freedom of the pen" malarkey seems to suggest it's fine. Come on people, think. Think before you give into this 100% freedom crap. The boundaries do still exist. Best wishes go to the friends and family of those injured or killed in the attacks.
Freedom of speech is important, and it does seem morally sound to allow cartoons of the holocaust, however horrible it may be. however, freedom of speech does have its limitations. An example is yelling fire in a crowded movie theater when there is none, causing panic and people to be trampled.
Dude the freedom of the pen dosent mean your above the law with whatever you write. It means you can write whatever you want without the fear of being killed.
The Klan as a terrorist group. A group that did induce terror. They weren't a insurgency. Or considered one though. Apples and oranges. They were more like the Gestapo. Less violent, but none the less it was the same idea. Things have changed so much since their glory days they are trying to re-invent themselves. Struggling to take racism out of their message. That's a win IMO.
I don't support this movement simply on the premise these authors were racist. If I went around saying black jokes, I'd find my self getting my ass handed to me. These authors at the newspaper made many racist remarks and depict there God. Now some history on this, they will kill if you draw there God. I don't think they deserved to die either but they were messing with fire and got burnt.
Immaturely, this comment makes want to draw a cartoon Allah. Just because I can. I'm not in a country that is under Muslim laws. I can feel anyway I want about anyone, and say it. As long as I'm not harming anyone, I shouldn't be under threat of death. I wouldn't expect a Muslim in my country to be murdered for what they say about Jesus. Or how they draw him. It's a double standard.