Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIVladIII, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. All the other countries have enough problems as it is
  2. nobody cares. the french are bad people.
  3. "The French" are neither good nor bad, there are good and bad people in France like everywhere else. Generalizing by blaming "the French" or "the Muslims" or whomever has never helped, but made problems worse.

    Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

    P.S.: I'm not French, but so what.
  4. This is really bad news...

    I read that few years ago Al qaida gave them warnings about them making fun of their prophet.
    This is what happened.

    rip to innocent people.
  5. "PEGIDA," as they call themselves, have no sense at all. They're nothing but a bunch of sad, right-wing idiots. "The Muslims" in general aren't the problem, and blaming a specific religious group, especially in Germany, is utterly tasteless and has a very bad tradition. I'm German myself, and I'm feeling ashamed for this. The poor Charlie Hebdo guys weren't dead for an hour when "AfD" (a right-wing, xenophobic, anti-European party) and "PEGIDA" already had their statements out, instrumentalizing the deaths for their hateful agenda. Should groups like these ever rise to power again, one of their first actions would be to ban free speech, free arts, and jail or even execute caricaturists and such they're now pretending to fight for.
  6. je suis Charlie

    Viva la France
  7. No words can express how disgusting acts of terrorism are.
    May the dead be remembered. And the guilty be brought to justice.
    Thoughts and prayers are with the families of those lost today.
  8. The Muslims I know are wonderful people. Please don't confuse the radicals that do horrible things like this with the entire religion.
  9.  Je suis Charlie 

    Triste journée 
  11. I was just reading about Soumission in SCMP 2 days ago. Wow, that timing.

  12. My condolences to the families and friends of those affected.
  13. Despite my condolences, English only forums please as per RoC.
  14. Heard about this on my way home from an American I say today we are all Charlie...sorry for your loss France :(
  15. I am Charlie
  16. It upsets me when people think that the Muslim extremists represent all Muslims.
  17. Same as what i think when people say christian extremists represent the all christians. Yet people seem to now days believe anyone that stands up against the ways of secular society is a christian extremist.
  18. It shouldn't become a religious debate, but yes, anyone who disagrees with secular society is an extremist because they are therefore advocating for a theocracy.