@ king calm. Maybe if the Muslim extremists would stop murdering innocent people, gunning them down, cutting heads off and planting bombs. Maybe then people wouldn't fear and hate Muslims and these hate it spreads. Maybe it's up to the Muslim community to act harder to stop the extremists. Maybe the Muslim community should try harder to integrate into the countries it spreads to rather than living as a separate people within a new nation. The only message Islam sends out is that of refusal to integrate a demand for higher treatment and one of hate towards all non Muslims. How do you stop the hatred of Islam whilst the Islamic people continue to murder indiscriminately?
I guess you have no idea what goes on in their country due to troops from my country and America. It's vile. Everything has a point, and with 1%, I see there's. They're just fighting back.
That whole cartoonist issue is crazy, especially considering we live in an age of multimedia, and satiric comics have been around forever. Freedom of speech protects these sort of opinions being expressed regardless of whether or not you agree w the content. Any figure in the public eye or religious figure has or will succumb to some form of satire. It should be takin w a grain of salt it's nothing more than a silly cartoon with no real basis In hate mongering. As far as the term Islam-a-phobe goes I dunno if that's such a good reference tbh. The last time a similar term was used in modern times was when Winston Churchill was called a nazi-phobe. We all know how that worked out now don't we
I have previously stated troops need to withdraw and the cessation of violence would expedite that process. Yes I have seen exactly what happens. Yet, What they do in western nations and their own just forces the west to continue the pointless violence. Acts of terror endorsed publicly will only ever incite more hatred. If you want the world to see you as a persecuted victim. One does not cut the heads off civilians or gun down cartoonists. That's a huge step away from fighting a war. Wars are won through hearts and minds. Terrorism will never win hearts and minds across the world. It will only cause greater resentment to their people. It's utter futility to force an enemy to continuously attack you without having vastly superior capability. Acts of terror only ever cause hatred in the minds of civilians and boots on the ground. For every act of terror committed all one needs to do is look at the aftermath and see the affects. From 9/11 to je suis Charlie they have just spread a message of fear and hate and forced millions to see them as murderers. Resentment and hatred of a people that otherwise could exist peacefully. They bring hatred into the communities in all nations where people no longer trust them. Are they a good Muslim or extremist. How do you know? You don't. And as such they make their own people perpetual victims of hate and possible targets of revenge attacks. Futility at its highest. And just to affirm that is not a statement of my attitude. It's the resultant and very real consequence of terrorists who in reality want nothing more than to start a global jihad that results in a massive armed conflict they have the delusional belief they can win. Yet all their actions do is unite a world against them. Every nation they target is another nation that will raise arms against them in a war on terror. How many times does it have to be raised that such actions are futile and poles opposed to what any religion believes in of the scriptures are accurately followed. Extremists betray their faith and do not follow the prophets teaching. As the freedom of speech thread shows not all understand their own religion be it Christian or Muslim and many others can so be spoken of. Faith helps keep many people in check and a society in order. But true faith requires that one follows the truth of their faith. Not just the parts taken out of context to justify unjustifiable acts of barbarism. All faiths should live in peace and accept others. From Jesus to the prophet they all preached tolerance, even if it was a dying sermon reflecting on a life of regret urging peace and a better life for the future of his people. A shame those words have been ignored. It's a shame that so many have died throughout history in the names of religions, when the truth is it is not religion but an excuse of mans hatred and intolerance. Until people accept and tolerate their will be no peace. All need to seek a path to peace. Or all mankind will be afflicted by war and hate.
Fear is What's intended to be spread. Imagine how it's been in there eyes, these White army men are killing our people, blowing up our what used to be beautiful city, raping our women, killing our children. Lol, everyone has a limit, I'm not saying it's started because of this I'm merely saying it plays a very big part. They don't wanna be viewed as the 'victim', they are showing you they've had enough. Once the Africans realise they have common enemy with the middle east, I think **** is gonna get crazy.
The issue with fear is that understanding something is more important than fear. Forcing an enemy to fight you is futile. Waking up nations to your threat and making your own people a target is futile. They are not saying we have had enough. They are saying they think we are infidels that must be killed. They are saying the west must eradicate them because it is the only option they leave open to us. They are saying those already living in our countries must be persecuted for their actions. Clearly they have not thought it through. And yes crimes have been committed by our nations there. Though far less than committed by their own people against their own people. There is no justification. Ever. But if they want boots on the ground out. They need to seek peace. If they persist with acts of terror they force nations to take further actions against them and their people. As repeatably said. It's futile. Until those who matter and can influence a move to peace nothing good will come of it. It has been proven multiple times that by negotiation and peace declarations that troops can be withdrawn from hostile areas successfully. ( yes harder in those affected regions where infighting for power is still a huge issue) but a sure way to get boots off the ground and the bombings to stop there is simple. Declare peace. No terrorist actions. No need for forces there. Pursue a course of violence. And they condemn themselves. And again. What do they prove killing cartoonists and workers in that region? That they can murder unarmed innocent people? Anyone can do that. And sadly thousands do every year. They just don't get the coverage due to not declaring a jihad about getting back at a neighbour or ex. All terrorist actions will and always will be counter productive to any campaign. You cannot win the hearts and minds of people whilst murdering people. And please don't keep quoting me. Quoting is way over used. And spams threads.
I fully hear what you are saying. But if our troops stepped out, let them fight amongst themselves until they find peace. We do not need to be trying to mediate there part of the world (like That's the real reason being there). The problem with our countries is we see the ££££ in everything rather than the good choice. If we never went there, they'd have no reason to give us any trouble. One thing the UK sucks ass on is we have a world wide known Jihadist living in our country recruiting sad British kids with no lives, brain washing them, and they end up in the middle east fighting for a reason they don't know. It's a joke. This is Such a small bit of what is going on, I don't even know why this is in our forums.