Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIVladIII, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. It's the only way those kinds of people will ever be truly relevant. They do what they do because they know they are worthless trash.

    Rip to all victims of small minded radicals and terrorists throughout the world.
  2. There are no winners in war.

    The fundamental messages from different religions are peaceful, however, there are those who choose to distort religion for violent purposes. These people are a scourge.

    Invariably there is someone at the heart of these things that has a lust for power. Through charismatic leadership and the creation of a sense of injustice they recruit others to their cause.

    It is history repeating itself. Religion has caused many wars and a great deal of suffering. Surely people should now be educated enough to be aware that blindly following religious zealots is dangerous.

    Live life with respect and peace. That is more important than any religion.
  3. Sometimes when close-minded bigotry is confronted, it walks away. If only all extremists were as easily dissuaded.

    (Of course one of the problems is that on avoiding an open conversation, the myopic individual will return to conversing with like-minded individuals who will reinforce their illogical and extremist views)
  4. You know, I see ppl rising up angrily marching semi-regularly these days , cops v "minorities" never cops v crims, but I'm yet to see in western countries major de-nuncification by the "religion of peace" of the acts of their affiliates.

    Sure, maybe it's a different brand , like frosted flakes v corn flakes, but tastes n goes down the same.

    Once mainstream society starts to believe that the majority of the"religion of peace" are truly peaceful..... Then we might start to get some results
  5. To keep fair I must say that the spiritual leader of muslims in Romania did publicly condemned these terrorist attacks in a condolences letter sent to French embassy in Romania.
  6. Je suis Charlie
    Liberté d'expression
  7. Je suis Charlie
  8. Je suis une pomme de terre
  9. It's seem like Muslim communities around the world are counter protesting the protest in France.

    I guess the Obama administrations no show in France makes a little more sense now.

    They want France to apologize to them. Go figure. Over some cartoons.

    They spit on Je Suis Charlie and the European supporters.

  10. The muslim mayor of a Dutch city also spoke out about the need to respect the rights to free speech.

    The biggest issue with free speech isn't that you get to say what you like but you have to defend the rights of others who you may vehemently detest and oppose but as long as they aren't breaking the law or encouraging other to do so they can speak.

    There will always be disagreement and conflict over words and ideas. The important thing is you fight words with words you don't kill someone for having an idea or making a comment that isn't breaking the law.
  11. People die every day yo.
  12. Muslim communities from around the world have come out to condemn the violence of the extremists.

    The worst thing that could come from these events would be for people to use these tragic events to condemn all muslims for the acts of a tiny minority. Every time someone does that, they perpetuate and reinforce the extremist's world view that there is an "us against them" conflict. It is the belief in this position that spurs recruitment to their ranks, and justifies (to them) any violent acts ostensibly done in the name of self-preservation of their persecuted religion.
  13. Muslim communties around the world have also come out to condemn the mocking of Mohammad. Even burning posters of Charlie Hebdo. Even saying France owes them a apology. Ignoring that doesn't really help add to the conversation. That's the whole point. That the it's always one sided.

    I guess I depends on what country they are in at the time.

    I also know this. People around the world aren't prevy to the same information we are.
    Freedom is not equal for all. That's a duh comment.
  14. They are going to keep attacking.

    People can hold hands all they want. It won't stop.

    Look at the fall out from the topic of this thread. Hacks, threats, protest.

    Look we actually had a conversation about freedom of speech. As if we needed to have that conversation. We didn't, well at least not were I'm at. Where it is protected by the 2nd amendment.

    You all are gonna get rolled over by ghetto rats.

    Have a nice day. Freedoms are non negotiable.
  15. Awaiting the 9th crusade...stranger things have happened so I wouldn't be surprised when Christians have had enough.
  17.  Dick
  18. je suis charlie
    Je suis freedom
  19. As stated, the best thing for the extremists would be for reactionaries to promulgate the anti-Islam rhetoric that fuels their "them against us" ideology.

    Because of all the hate rhetoric, even in countries with relatively free press, extremists are able to recruit fighters.

    If they did not have such patent, constant, and continuous examples of how non-muslims hate Islam, no matter what the form, they could not perpetuate their position that all of Islam was under attack and must be defended.

    Fortunately for the extremist groups, there are always plenty of short-sighted, scared, and hate-filled people to justify their propaganda.
  20. Actually there was a guy in Canada given a year in jail for handing out anti Islamic flyers on a subway.