Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllll-llllChadIIII-IIIII, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Just leave XD Don't make a fool of yourself mate.
  2. I'm not leaving until you all see how ignorant you're being.
  3. hells, don't mess with Chad. He will make you his personall dish washing slave after he kicks your ass.
  4. Go ahead, waste your time, we're all laughing bud.
  5. Don't worry about drop of destruction, my clan has them all pinned.
  6. I'm out of war too much confusion and disorganization
  7. Your clan? LOL u can't handle them on ur own? :lol:
  8. SUPPORT as well as will hit You's clan
  9. Their all pinned. So why can't we? Their sitting their like ducks, no troops, no spies, loosing pots by the second. Try hitting them, go ahead.
  10. Ok BBB is out Matt is not leading... Blood and bacon is taking it's place and I am leading... and I have a head admin. Questions? Plz follow and we will talk through pm
  11. Why would I hit a clan I support? :lol:
  12. Just letting you all know. I quit the JASW. Not because I fear a little farming, but because this has been so disorganized, I just can't put up with it anymore. I am officially withdrawing from the roster of Clan of Knights.
  13. Wall all BBB members, alert them that they are being transfered to their clan.
  14. I'm interesting in joining, who wants me? ;)
  15. HellsAngel get lost, you're adding to the problem.

    This is the first thread i'v read about this, what exactly is happening?
    Any stat players?
    4 clans start, then both winners go to the final?
    It's a lot of work organising something like this, idiots like Hells just make it harder.

    Best of luck pulling it together, keep plugging away and you'll get it going.
  16. Ok, I have joined my team already ;) good luck to everyone and may the best team win *cough* mine *cough cough* :)
  17. Screw the war. I mean, c'mon. I should have just asked on World Chat for a war clan. Why does anybody need to organize a war, anyways? You just join a clan that wars, and send a war challenge to somebody. It doesn't take a week to figure out.
  18. Good luck finding a clan that wars. Check clan events and see how many wars there are....
  19. @Chad finished any other things I need to know plz pm me
  20. You want out?