Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllll-llllChadIIII-IIIII, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. War will be declared 12am eastern time*
  2. Plz correct anything wrong here. Lets make this simple and uncomplicated.
  3. 3hr from now will be 11pm eastern time, not midnight.
  4. Madness i double checked it should be about 9pm in the east coast and 6pm in the west coast. There 3 hours apart
  5. Thanks Terror, the most useful information till now. This needs to go on 1st page. I hope you can contact Chad via PM/Pal...

    Can you please put that in first page as a rule to remove any confusion?

    Check your clan roster - its filled with above stat people.

    Even your clan is having above stat non-owner guy as admin, so I understand you will take care of that?
  6. Oops forgot my west and east, you're correct; sorry.
  7. Np madness. Just here to help any confusion. Someones got to do it.
  8. @child only one above stats person. The people above Verm are only here to help unlock EB's as you can see from their titles.
  9. King 4 hour difference between west and east coast. You have east tz, central tz, mountain tz and west tz.
  10. Child im not tosure about the stat req. it seems like there really isnt any. But dont quote me on it. Although we did remove some members that we consider to big. Blood and bacon removed about 2-3 guys i believe
  11. Are you saying verm is 4.5m cs? If not define upper limit.
  12. Child like i said the stat req is not 4.5m.
  13. You and all other should know what it is, before you guys ask folks to leave. Blood and Bacon had only their top guy (an 8m cs) leave by now.
    I am persistent on this information, as I have friends that are not able to join in because of this rule.
  14. No child. I am saying that the only above stats person participating in the war is Verm. All stronger than verm on the clan roster are only there to complete EB's.
  15. Ok, so #5 in your clan is (2,303,528 + 2,293,880 + 751,000 + 751,000) = 6,099,408 cs. His title says he is in JASW, can I assume that 6m guys are allowed in JASW?
  16. Ok so now theres a merge? Whose making rules? Whose in charge? 2 hours before war and we get this? Its stupid. We need an explaniation. And a good one.
    Blood and bacon worked hard and started 5 days before war to get clan bonus and strategize. Why do we have to now let in clan of knights? Plz who ever is making rules explain
  17. Apparently nobody. At the moment, the JASW is failing, and quiet frankly, appears to be a waste of time to some people. Some.
  18. Yeah im not to sure who decied to merge. If clan of knights failed its owners fault. No need for them to take our hard work ad them having to merge here.
  19. *sigh* is it really this hard to recruit and engage a war at a specific time?
  20. So I didn't make the cut?