JASW Team List

Discussion in 'Wars' started by zllllllll-ZzChEEkYzZ-llllllllz, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Or you could use my clan
  2. It's already ****ed up val, enjoy making it worse! :D
  3. I knew it would have to be changed alot lol people always leave wars.
  4. Idc, just throw me a clan name and I'm in
  5. Lol what is the reward for the 5th clan beating the other 4?
  6. @frank i dont care lol. Im not makin any changes or taking anyone off. None of it was my idea. Just thought I would make it easier for the people who were getting frustrated looking through 89 pages of **** on the other thread. :lol: :lol:
  7. zero cool reborn let's do this
  8. @Farmer

    Bragging rights, and I'm guessing lots of easy gold too!
  9. Sorry, you must be able to hit the smallest paricipant in which case you cannot. :lol:

    Chief? How is it going to be easy gold? The ones who have war experience (Very little of them) will stay pinned. :lol:
  10. Simple. I strip a day before the war.
  11. THIS IS PERFECT!! Except bound by blood is changing to

    Blood and Bacon
  12. 5 days away is plenty of time to grow that much.
  13. Put me on๎„…
  14. Plus farmer can burn pots for us!
  15. See even the owner of one of the clans said its a perfect idea lol
  16. Are u guys going to wreck it
  17. Blood and bacon is out we are I am tierd of this
  18. Anyone of these clan owners want a little throw down before the war ?
  19. Please put me on the list
  20. The only reason I joined this was because I wanted to take part in a tournament. Seeing as this is gonna be full of inexperienced new players, maybe I'll quit. Should I stay so I have a farming excuse? Oh wait! I don't need an excuse! ๎’