Japan VS China

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. I'm well aware you were in worms near the end but you were never really one of us, when us worms talk about the past nobody ever mentions you or considers you a worm. Also you didn't lead anything, all you ever done was put strain on the relations between worms and BH members during the merge.
  2. News flash
    Your both idiots
  3. Hizzy put the bible down have a glass of water and Shuuuutup.

    V well your just u so keep it up!
    Takes a moron to agrue with a moron
  4. That's just the thing.
    Kitty and i decided to finally leave BH sleeping because BH wasn't BH anymore. Everyone in that clan besides for myself didn't even know let alone could name the original leaders and founders. They were imposters. Nobody can live up to the old BH. We decided to move clans, and people didn't listen. I started kicking people, hence the tension.
    I had every right to kick everyone, why? Because they weren't BH, they don't deserve to be there. It's not their clan.
  5. You didn't kick anybody, you went around posting on people's walls "follow The_Government if you know what's good for you" or something like that.
  6. Omg its happening! Hizzy is Japan and v is china!
  7. You were in the end of worms you idiot. You're not even a real worm let alone a leader.
  8. Demon is America
  9. You and kitty decided to kick people?

    Kitty Hated you lol... I was going to kick everyone then you jumped the gun and told everyone to follow my alt to a new clan.

    Why am I even posting this, thread has nothing to do with this. Lwp dude you where irrelevant just stop mentioning my history plz ty.
  10. K knew I remembered that right!

  11. This just got good
  12. Plus his banner is bs! Right!
  13. And I'm pretty sure I heard him say something about Allah
  14. Wait? Kitty hated me? The guy who begged me to track for BH and come back to help him make it what it once was? The guy who begged me to get Contraversy to sell him botting software and tracking programs and break the ToU? The guy who begged me to front 10T on Leibling strip (Which i did!)? The guy who begged me to get him an LB account and break the ToU? That guy? Must have really hated me if he was that needy.

    Val, you're irrelevant, and selfish might i add. It takes you 15 accounts to do the damage that i can do with one. Nobody who is anybody in the OSW world besides for the band of misfit teenagers and adult adolescents Views you as great.
    Worms like you because you helped carry them for wars, they used you just as much as you used them. And the worms that were actually mature (there are none left besides the ones not seeking attention and conflict on these forums with me) came to me for help and stuck with me after the BH-Worms incident. Why? Because they actually liked being lead by me because i'm smart and i gave them something to play the game for, even if it did not work out due to time and changing of the political atmosphere of KaW.

    Lastly, nobody in the ghosts ever trusted you. You know how many seperate rooms we had? There was a room where each one of you was not included. That way i could weed out the bad apples. Just the way inter taught me to set up information chains. Brilliant. And it always seemed that everyone in the group distrusted you. Because you screwed everyone over multiple times and only care for yourself and your 15 accounts. Congrats, you can get a cf out of 1 guy using 15 accounts in the time it takes me to get a cf out of one guy with my one account. And for immoral bullying reasons too.
  15. Are u serious lol..
    Find a worm that likes you. You've never got a cf from anybody. Your accounts where tiny, irrelevant. Your a child, you're not smart. You'd never touch me and will never. You where never the leader of anything... Why do u keep thinking ghosts is a thing?... It was some stupid pal room you set up and zero came off of it. You had no friends.
  16. I'm a lone wolf always have been that's why u need lots of accounts. I had my group of players who I trusted and spoke to, everyone else was there because we all needed EE wins. I knew who hit in OSWs and who funded and those that didn't, you didn't do jack and left whenever osw arose.
  17. I was one of the ones who came to help you, you even made me council. We weren't there for you, we were there for eachother because we wanted to be together as worms. I also remember all your fake promises that you would pay for closed items HTE for every single person until they were BC, didn't happen. Then we got into osw and you requested a cf. great leadership.
  18. China if its a solely 1vs1.Hard to say if both sides bring their allies in though.

  19. Yeah, you can say all the crap you want. Might as well just shorten it down to "i refute everything you say." Because you're never going to admit wrong. Easy enough.

    Here are the worms who followed me:
    Those were the ones i brought in as ghosts,
    Solange was a cell leader of one of the best groups of omets who i warred with pre season and season one.
    Contraversy, aka the mod Logical who was old school BH. The guy that got busted by ATA and accused of hijacking their servers, the guy who helped the devs patch multiple security holes in their game.
    Debeau and Dingo were founders and creators of Last Rights.
    You think if i was a crappy leader ide have those 4 following me? No.
  20. China would just send in 3b ground troops ...whats japan gonna do then nuke themselves?