Japan VS China

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Read the post again.
  2. And your post only concentrates on statistics of weapons etc, look at history. The American population tend to have a weak warrior spirit in comparison with other countries citizens. Maybe nobody could take America, but there's many places America couldn't take. In a war id say a combined EU pre refugee crisis would decimate America.
  3. On a country-country level, China would win through sheer military strength. However if this were to happen, Japan would drag in its allies (I would assume the that America would be pressured into helping)
    What you would have is a WWIII scenario...but with more nukes...
  4. This guy is more interested in an IRA vs ISIS match up.
  5. IS win hands down :lol:
  6. America has one of the greatest "Warrior Spirits." In history American's have been driven by their love for their freedom which ignited revolutions and declarations of independence around the world. American Patriotism is great, if not the greatest.
  7. British, Japanese, Russian. Just 3 off the top of my head that have a stronger spirit.
  8. Germany at the beginning of a war.
  9. Well it depends on the circumstances. All out war in Ireland = ISIS dead. All out war in the place those sand monkeys are from = a bunch of dead Irishmen.
  10. Yeah, okay. Where is your proof? You have made a conclusion with 0 examples of how they have better spirit.
    You need to go back to school and take geometry and do proofs so you know how to formulate and defend an argument. You must write crap papers too because you need to be able to back up your thesis in the body of your papers.

    Anyone can state an opinion as a fact. Now back up your argument otherwise you look stupid.
  11. Yea Bruh, I'm gonna give you a full essay on KaW forums on some silly hypothetical scenario thread on why they are better.
  12. Anyone who is a success in life usually gives their 100% to everything they do. If you're going to post on forums and half ass stuff then i don't think anyone should consider you an intelligent, ambitious person, let alone an authority on any matter in the forums. I won't take your posts seriously anymore, nor will i consider you an intelligent person to converse with.
    Please, reconsider your life.
  13. How does one measure spirit anyways? Is there like some sort of beaker, or stick?

    This thread is so dumb, Japan has no military, China has a military of nearly one billion if things got out of hand and World war three starts..

    The answer is China, China owns America as well, so America won't be fighting the Chinese..

    They'll be too busy paying back the interest on that 20 trillion or whatever crazy amount of money they owe them..

    You are all mostly a bunch of dum dums
  14. Lwp wanna go around lying some more on forums? What's worse, not writing an essay for KaW forums or lying openly on forums?
  15. I never lied about anything. Go read those posts again. Then come back here and tell me who you think put up a stronger argument. I easily refuted every single argument thrown at me. People are butthurt, so people are going to throw lies around in the forums about me. Again, their lies and developed opinions thrown around as facts.
    I always win an argument when i'm right. And i never post anything when i'm wrong because it is against my religion to lie. Why would i want to bring shame upon the name of Christ in lying.

    Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
    -Psalm 32:2

    A stone is heavy, and sand is weighty, but a fools provocation is heavier than both.
    -Proverbs 27:3

    If a wiseman has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
    -Proverbs 29:9

    A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds back.
    -Proverbs 29:11

    The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.
    -Proverbs 29:25
    I do not fear the opinions and the thoughts of man. Corum Deo, i have the audience of one. My job is not to please you, but speak the truth because he is watching.

    P.S- i like how i roast you on the subject of this forum, and immediately you try and shift the subject onto something completely different. Newsflash: you won't win that one either.
  16. Newsflash, you didn't roast anything and newsflash, I don't gotta win that one because it was already won.
  17. Denial, the most predictable response of all humans.
    I have nothing more to say here. Trying to get you to admit you're an idiot is harder then getting a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
  18. Ok then, you have fun and go continue pretending that you were actually a worm
  19. Alice the camel has 2 humps!!!!!
  20. I have proof, check my wall>scroll down> go to the worm name posted> click it> takes you back to my profile. Clearly, i was a worm. Then i lead worms when they were at BH and Kitty was there.