Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Damn to late but i will buy a few xstals for japan , good luck guys
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts I asked them if they would do it over 2 weekends but they said no. So I can't donate or get achievement. But if they did it next weekend I could
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts I bought crustals about 30 min ago, but wondering when we Get the achivement with the donation??
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts - Completed will the numbers be released when the achievement bonuses are?!?!? =D
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts - Completed No Chad, we want the numbers quicker then within 6 months.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts - Completed are we sure? we can get pretty cranky when things happen within a reasonable time frame.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts - Completed No, we don't. Just wondering is all. Anyway, we hate waiting for these things the devs say they'll give us.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts - Completed "...we are all touched by the recent tragic events..." We all know the devs are no linguistic masters, but this is an all time low.
$50.5k! Dang good job everyone who participated, you all did a fantastic job. I hope we can all continue to help japan by keeping them in our hearts as they continue to deal with the struggle. I know I will.