Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Thank you for helping us. We still worry so much about the nuclear problem.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts I hereby take ownership of this thread. Iduck, leave this thread for spam.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts I deny toast ownership of the thread on the count of that kaw_admin is waaay cooler for giving out cookies.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts But seriously duck, you need to chill on the posts man. Put them togetherr in a single post.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Dude ghoomba I just got him to leave and you had to make him come back?
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Lol, I never said he could stay eiher. I just denied you thread ownership.
Re: Japan Disaster Relief Efforts Hey, I'll chill now toast. Looks like someone's heart is cold cuz it didnt get put in the toaster