
Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXx-sAbO-GABRIEL-SaBo-XxX, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. You should watch your tone trojan.
  2. Idk many other Alpha members but Willy is my lover.
  3. Look. I am not gay.

    Just because I love guys doesn't make me gay.

    And I am definitely a noob, Trojan. You should teach me this "strip" thing you speak of. How's that work?

    My clan would love to know. We are far too busy being gay noobs to figure out how to "strip".

  4. What Willy said.
  5. Lol I've farmed Jackson before  no hits returned obviously 
  6. At least I think it was this Jackson, maybe it was a different one. I don't remember lol
  7. And so, I've learnt...
    Here you go ladies and gentlemen.

    Farming Screen shots:

  8. Don't shoot the messenger now that the issue is being resolved. You all wanted it so I posted it. Yes, there is no proof it was him but read back.
  9. I want some of this action I got a few trl in pots how about we get at it..

    Been looking for a new target kinda feel sorry for my current one he's been inactive for a couple of months now but hey I've been on him since January.
  10. Dont see the point in ur ss just stupid u claim he the one doing it
  11. Read back death.
