
Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXx-sAbO-GABRIEL-SaBo-XxX, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. What is it with everyone wanting to 1v1 smaller people? Jackson turned down a fight to gab because he's a hansel but then challenges Deadly because Jackson is 3x as big.
    Now you're challenging gab and you're also 3x if not more bigger than him.
    Will be back later, need to wake up a little.
  2. So because a man died, he must have had heart disease, because it is the leading cause of death.
    Hope you understand that analogy.
  3. Willy, I was emphasising that there was no substance to the ss.
  4. Too true deadly , 
  5. Wow I didn't realise that Gabe is the only person in KAW that is a spy build.
    What's that you say? He's not??? Well the way Jackson and his bum buddies are carrying on you'd think he was.
    How about you have a shot of cement and harden the **** up and get over it. Until we see the non-existent ss then you are speaking . Man up and post them either here or that other third party ap that is used for ss.
  6. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. *popcorn*
  8. I've given the option to get over it and just act as if it never happened.

    And for those still asking for the ss, I don't know how to post them because I'm not a frequent forumer.
  9. Just like to point out that no offending party is actually in Weekend Warriors at the moments. LOLWUT?
  10. So pal it to me, my contact ID is 13008828. Go ahead make me smile sweetcheeks 
  11. I'd post them but I can't update my iPod to iOS 4 for some reason.
  12. We r from sabotage jacko. Hence my name
  13. This may assist you.
  14. JOE, the owner left clan. WUT?

  15. Death angel I'm not a poster either. But a quick question if there is no fails how is it Gabe. Why wasn't it me or deadly. C'mon you are being setup by wacko jacko. And then u threaten Gabe. Lmfao
  16. Prob was me anz , look at his gobby comments
  17. It's a shame Jackson is just a coward and can't just PvP Gab. What harm would it do? Worst that could happen is someone loses. Big deal. Then the whole thing would be settled. But some friends have to come and challenge others to settle it. What's in it to you?! This has nothing to do with you, so just stay out of it. Let Gab and Jack fight.
  18. Simple problem requires simple solution. 
  19. Bbs peeps- rl beckons. Far from over. Jackson i spit at u. Coward...
  20. To true rhodium, my thoughts exactly , it is between them gab and jacko