
Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXx-sAbO-GABRIEL-SaBo-XxX, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. I'm hardly double your stats, and if that's your argument then gab is half your stats, but you won't fight him because you're to silly to build any towers so you're afraid of hansels.
  2. Since ya asked nicely, of course i will pvp you.
    Thought you were dts, but clearly not. 3m cs vs. 1m cs? Let's play.
  3. Ooohhhh pick me, pick me
  4. Jackson- You're happy to fight deadly yet he is a hansel, is it because he's 3 times smaller than you so you think you actually stand a chance? 
  5. And he pays well :D
  6. Hmmm, ok. So you like to troll do you Gabriel? Nobody likes a butthurt noob. You want to 1v1 him for how he spoke? Well... I'll do you a deal. Have a 1v1 with me, if you win, you can have a crack at Jackson and I won't say anything. If you lose, you publicly apologise on the forums for:
    a.) FARMING Jackson
    b.) Going to an ALPHA sub and trolling cc
    c.) being an imbecile.

    I love a good troll, don't get me wrong. But people like you, a fail troll an a liar, I hate with a passion.

    HOWEVER, I'll give you a final option, you can delete this thread and I'll delete all of the ss and we can pretend this never happened.

    It's now your choice son. Pick wisely.

    1.) Fight me and be stripped butt naked
    2.) Just delete this and I'll delete all the ss

    Let me know. Either by my news feed or me not seeing this forum again.
  7. Now death your being the bully, I think it's best gab and jacko get it on
  8. I wouldn't mind if them two got it on IF it was for a legitimate reason. I've seen the ss.

    And me? A bully? Please. Get your facts straight.
    Gabriel is asking for a 1v1 because HE wants to continue to farm jackson; hence, he is the bully.
  9. Now there is a challenge!

    I can't stand hansel's that have nothing to lose popping off to attack builds.

    Bullying? :lol:
  10. I apologize to -Deadly- for the time being as I cannot be active enough for a pvp in the next 4-8 hours.
  11. Put these ss on here so we all see
  12. Apology accepted.
    Happy KaWing
  13. Let's make this interesting. Gabriel. You have got 24hours to respond or I'll make my decision in your news feed.
  14. I call bs, there are no ss. If there are post them in here for the world to see. (Don't worry we won't hold our breath waiting for them because we know they don't exist)
  15. Purely words death, no substance , Like bella said , hey ho , I can no see why jacksons your pal
  16. No substance?

    Wow. Poor choice in battles, skippy.

    Good luck!
  17. Right, this all started because Jackson had on his wall "Advertise here = pin"
    Now Gab, being the guy he is, decided to post a advert for the FOD we were running as a joke to see if he was going to get pinned.
    Instead, Jackson decided to come straight to me with a message saying - "Your member is going to strip me, and i've got some strong friends"
    Gab had not said anything on Jackson's wall about him going to strip him, or anything to us.
    What annoyed me about his pm the most was he came to me already threatening me with .ALPHA.
    About half an hour later I get a wall post from an Alpha council member, we then took it to pm and he said that Jackson had been hit by Gab, I then asked to see SS's but he said that there were no fails, so there was no way to know it was Gab.
    At this time Gab was offline, so could not have possibly hit him..
    Now it comes to the forums for all to see.
    So I ask you ALPHA members and Jackson, this started because of an ad, no hits..
    Even if it did start because of hits, so what? It's a war game, man up and hit back.
    So, could I please see these SS of Gab farming Jackson?
    Cheers, sorry for rambling, it's still early for me :D :lol:
  18. I second that.
  19. You've hit it right on the nail. Gabriel started this by being an IMBECILE. If he hadn't done this, none of it woul have happened.

    And yes, there were no fails in the steals that we're made. This is because Gabriel is a hansel. He's not going to attack Jackson now will he?
    And his spy strength is a lot more than jacksons spy defence. So he's bound to win his steals. But isn't it surprising that these steals occurred after Jackson posted you?

    In KaW now a days, that occurs cr I rare. And the only logic to it would be that it was Gabriel.

    It is a War game. So let's war Gabriel, I'm still waiting
  20. I'm not one to post on forums much so I'm not too sure how to post pictured here. I'll post them as soon as I find out.