Jääkäärne the Usurper King 💀

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Claptrap, Oct 28, 2024.

  1. NEW Epic Battle


    The Usurper King's icy touch has reached our kingdom once more! An evil ruler, a hoard of forgotten treasure, and a battle for the ages.

    Are you ready?

    Jääkäärne the Usurper King

    Jääkäärne the Usurper King is a new, premium Epic Battle that offers a new challenge and unique rewards, It will be available for a limited time for a preliminary trial, starting from 12 PST, Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 until November 13th.

    This Epic Battle will only be available a limited time for this first time. This will give us a chance to review and address any feedback or potential issues.

    To start the EB, you must use 10 Soul Reaver Sword items. These can be purchased from the Shop for 24 Nobility Points each.
    Soul Reaver Sword

    To give active clans a chance to try this new EB for free, at launch we'll be giving 10 Soul Reaver Swords to each clan Owner for clans that have completed at least 90 Epic Battles in the last 30 days, meant to be used in your own clan.

    Furniture Drops

    This EB will also have a chance to drop rare, exclusive furnishings for you and your beasts!


    These rare drops have a chance to include:
    - Usurper King's Lair
    - Jääkäärne's Ritual Altar
    - Kuolemantuli
    - Bone Dragon Chandelier

    We hope that you're as excited as we are to try this new EB and take down Jääkäärne! We're also looking forward to seeing your feedback on this EB, so please be sure to include what you enjoy or would like to see done differently. Good luck!
    #1 ATA-Claptrap, Oct 28, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2024
  2. 90 ebs in the last 30 days?? That’s 3 ebs a day. Lots of clans struggle to get 3 average because you guys killed clan loyalty. So many clans would love to participate but you just abandoned lots of them
  3. Screwed again by the devs all they want is money
    LiL-_-LoCo-_-LiTo likes this.
  4. Damn that's tight n stingy asf.

    Who comes up with the harebrained ideas on your dev team?
  5. 90 ebs in 30 days. Are you aware kaw is falling apart and activity is at an all time low. Only big clans will be able to test eb. But after hearing how hard it is and how little items and plates it drops it’s no big deal. Not missing out on much. And another premium? Between constant shard boxes and premiums it feels like y’all trying to squeeze all the money out of discouraged players who don’t feel heard. Do something for clan loyalty. Clans used to be a big part of kaw. Now most clans are dying as players keep leaving for better clans or just hop. Game is 100% about event items. PvP doesn’t have a place in kaw anymore besides in osw. Do an event where there’s a legend where if you do 1,000 PvP actions in two weeks you get 150 Pallumen and 150 time tangle. People get 3x that hopping Ebs. It’s not asking much. People will buy xtals to complete it. Just a player feeling discouraged about a game he once loved.
    Hebrews and -_KaW-Kane_- like this.
  6. ASW? nope. yawn.
  7. Drop rates of plates/furn are disgustingly low and need a tweak. Other than the massive *insert naughty word* scout bar at start the eb is actually somewhat nice and the art is great.

    On a side note, if it does become permanent EB would be nice to add the sword into the daily rewards chest for a chance to get it.
    Hebrews likes this.
  8. which item phases?
  9. I won't be spending money to open this eb.

    But devs have lately shown willingness to add content and listen to feedback so herewith my proposal.

    Make eb free, but do not let any Kingdoms join once launched.

    This makes it a fun and rewarding eb the clan must cooperate to complete.

    This will stimulate clan loyalty, and I for one prefer to spend my cash on xtl and not premium items. Also there are no obvious "freerider" effects.

    Possible tweaks would be to limit number of ebs per day.

    And to reduce farming exploits, requirements could be made on size, bfa, charms etc. And hier required actions for max drop and bonus etc. possibly even remove plate drops. Anti farming is not my expertise...

    Shoot me down and tweak my proposal to make it a good eb for clan loyalty and free to play human controlled Kingdoms, and as challenging as possible for cheaters.
  10. Not not down, but I think particularly if it's to be clan limited that scout bar needs a bit of trimming. Imo it needs to be reduced regardless but especially if it becomes no hoppers.
  11. I agree with the comment above about new premium eb. Scout bar is awful not worth it spending 240 nobs and maybe increase a little on items drop make it atleast half of what HTR drops. Hoppers will be hoppers they are part of the community 😂 let them be hop! Give more benefits to those who loyal to their clan lol! Simple as it is.
  12. All ebs should promote clan loyalty… but that doesn’t happen and probably never will. Clan loyalty is long gone. They should disband clans and just do a kaw wide eb where it’s everyone verse one eb. ATP clans r just for clan chat.