No need to be an ass Zaln. I was just saying. Ya don't need to ignore one person's request and then rate another's. THAT is rude.
Do note that this is a service. It is rude to demand. So what if I rated someone's before you. Maybe I am not interested at the moment? Jeez, this is a SERVICE. We don't intentionally take requests. What's so special about rating yours? It's popular already. iZ
Because I wanted to have it rated. You seemed honest in your ratings and I wanted an honest opinion of it. And I did not "demand" it. I asked politely all FIVE times I asked. If you are just going to ignore someone then tell them you will get to it later. Ignoring their request is bad service.
Tch, just wait some more then. I have other things, but if I can, I'll get around to more ratings. iZ
Alright. And I apologize for sounding rude. That honestly was not my intention. Good luck with your writing co. Sounds like you have some good standards so I expect classics. Lol
Sorry for the inconveniences I have caused. I will personally attend to the review myself if you wish. iZaln
I'm interested in a writing endorsement. I don't have a title though, maybe I'll think of one at the end. Here's what I have written so far. As I gaze out the window, I start to feel a pain. My heart is beating, and my chest is breathing, but something, something was amiss. The pain intensifies to such heights as it feels as if a knife penetrating my skin, tearing my organs to shreds. But the pain is untraceable. It drives me to the point of insanity to where I would and could and did believe that the bird in view through the pane was mocking me. It was causing my pain. A devilish grin passed across it's dreadful beak. It has been sent after me. Will finally pay for what I have done? No. Never! I have done nothing wrong that can be proven in a just court of law! My deed shall never be known. Not as long as I live.