iWrite Co.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Almost all people on this will sighn up
  2. You mean fan fiction? Yeah, I'm trying to make iWrite universal (kawversal??)
  3. U just invented a new word.....yay!!!!(maybe the devs could sticky this)
  4. LOL I wish
  5. srry guys lost my iPod so I'm late in the Demon Chrinicles but I'll start now
  6. K cool, its okay we forgive ya >.< XD
  7. 24 Person staff, 20 writers, 4 editors.
  8. My favorite number....
  9. Need an extra?
  10. Extra what? You can join as an employee.
  11. That's wat I meant, sry
  12. For the writers!!!!:)
  13. Sure, writer or editor?
  14. And edtors meee....and three
  15. I don't have pal though
  16. That's fine
  17. K thx, I'll make sure to Put ur label in the story I'm writing
  18. Oh fun!!! Okay I'm gonna make a story and post it here. Just a short one. BRB.