Next Chapter Chapter 4 As soon as she was out of eyesight of the guards and out of range of their magic sensing weapons, she twisted the amethyst jewel of the only ring on her finger, and shuddered as she felt the cold tingle of the hiding shadow magic wash over her body. She waited for a couple seconds until she was completely invisible, then snuck back up into the throne room to hear what was said, for she had a nagging suspicion that the mission was not as it seemed. She quietly climbed up to the wall to the wooden posts stretching across the high ceiling and made herself comfortable. A little too comfortable in fact. She was tired from her last mission, and was dozing off when the door opened with a bang. She jumped and almost fell from her high perch overlooking the throne. “Milord,” the man standing almost directly below her bowed in a short and chopped motion, “I heard you were sending Vellie off on another mission right after her last one! Aren’t you pushing her a little hard?” “Riom” she thought with a slight internal sigh. He was the only one who insisted on using that stupid nickname, and being Rionaquan’s eldest son and heir, she couldn’t knife him for using it. He also looked out for her when he thought the lord was being too rough on her, which was occasionally helpful, but mostly annoying. He had his father’s black hair, but was clean shaven. He also had warm friendly eyes that looked vicious and disturbing when he was mad, mostly when he was fighting. He was easygoing, but when he wanted something badly enough, he got it. He also happened to be her best friend, one of the best fighters in the entire alliance of clans second only to her. “There’s a reason for it.” Lord Rionaquan sounded tired and old. “A reason that I haven’t told her about.” She perked up at that one, she had been expecting it but it still was a little surprised. “I told her that the Shnedaes were after her of course, and she had an adverse reaction like I expected. What I didn’t tell her is that we have a spy within our ranks. Someone the Shnedae threatened could take her out and drag her, even as powerful as she is, back to them. I sent her on that mission to give her something to do while you find that spy and take him or her out. Investigate the half bloods because it is unlikely they would have brought a pure blood to their service. We honestly can’t afford to lose her and if they do manage to convert her, despite in her soulless state, we’ll have much more to worry about that the Sisdiel armor.”
i like it igloo. and my mom blocked my wifi im on now because im on the computer. i get wifi from 6-9 every night so i have a chance to write more often. ill try to write some today.
New chapter, its kinda boring just warning you Chapter 5 Velene remained completely still as the father and son finished the conversation and walked out. She was completely numb from shock, surprise or horror, she did not know which. Finally, she began to defrost and quietly snuck out of the dark room. Her walk to her bedroom was uneventful, she saw no one until she almost slammed right into her maid as she walked through the flap that served as a door to her tent. The large spacious area couldn’t really be called a tent of course. The ceiling was high, around 15 ft. in the very middle and had a diameter of about 100 yards. The entire structure consisted of 4 rooms. The largest was her “sitting room” which is where she normally greeted guests. It was by far the fanciest with a brightly colored rug in the middle and a leather couch. In her “kitchen” was a fire pit, an “ice box” that used magic to keep food cold, and though she mostly ate with everyone else in the Mess Hall, a large table for guests. This was covered in all sorts of papers, battle gear and notebooks because it was very rarely used for eating. Leading off from the kitchen was her bedroom and weapon storage area. The bedroom was simple and clean, containing only a small bed and a desk that was even smaller. It was that bed that she immediately flopped down on, even though it was only three in the afternoon, and drifted off to sleep. And spurred on by her racing mind, she began to dream. Velene was standing in a tower much like the one she had battled Kain in, only this one had thick bars on the windows reinforced by magic. She spun around and realized that the room was completely devoid of anything that could help her. There was only a mattress and a pillow, both as soft as a cloud. She kept getting the sense that someone was watching her, but no matter how she turned, she couldn’t spot any more than a shadow at the very edge of her vision. “Get out here where I can see you, you coward!” She snapped as she continued to turn like a dog chasing its tail. Whatever it was started to laugh, and though the voice was handsome, the tone was not. Finally, she managed to spin fast enough so that she came face to face with the laughing fiend. She saw him stare at her in surprise, and she realized she vaguely recognized the face. She was about to speak when… She woke up with a gasp, in her quiet, empty room in her tent. Not in the tower, but on real solid ground. She breathed a sigh of relief. She got up and quietly went outside to sit in the grass, think, and recover from her dream. The stars showed it was about 3 in the morning. What bothered her most is that she recognized the face, but couldn’t recall it. After how much Lord Rionaquan was afraid for her, she thought that she didn’t want to add to his stress by telling him. With a sigh, she went back into her tent, and upped the magic shields. As soon as the flap was completely fastened, a shadow quietly stood up from where it was hiding behind the tent and crept away.
I like it Gloomi. It's really intresting. And I didn't spot any errors either. Great job! Can't wait to read the next part!
Ma first story is on the writers cafe. U can read it if u want n u can correct ma mistakes if there r lots cause I wanna make it better. Any tips would be welcome!!!! Lol x