iWrite Co.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Too much stories to read now my head hurts
  2. May I be a writer

    Because I'm not good at editing
  3. Since me and bastion r both presidents, who wanted to join?
  4. Sign up for the demon chronicles story today!!!
  5. Robijoe, read mine

  6. Hello? Anyone here? I signed up for the Drmon Chronicles
  7. Check ur network account utho
  8. Plz sign up for my new story on the Demon Chronicles thread
  9. I gave you two ideas. How many characters do u need?
  10. Bjorn the thread creator spelled chronicles "chronicals" and sign "sighn" I lol'd
  11. Just post a character idea
  12. Sorry about that my brain was half working
  13. Lol it's k just put spellcheck on lolz but I put a character
  14. Chapter 6 of Dragon Tale has been made!
  15. Giggity, started a new story peeps, look for "Dystopia" 
  16. Bjorn21 it getts explanand later on
  17. Pwnage for utho and all story ewriting peoplz!!
  18. Ok I wrote this random speech to stick somewhere in my story... Enjoy, edit, and critisize to your heart's content.

    Yet through those feelings of hopelessness and disaster, we carry on. Slogging through the hatred and the pain, the fear that seems to seep the warmth of your bones from the very core of your existence, you somehow manage to carry on. Though you know that you never could make it, that tiny spark of hope keeps burning, fanned by the combined wills of those who care wishing for our well being in one combined force that blows away all the competition. Now I'm no philosopher, just an average being, like everyone else. But because of those supports, those stepping stones, the ropes that pull you out of that snake pit, you survive and inside you slowly begin to become a better person. 
    And thanks to those people who I love more than anything else in the world, I'm here. Standing before you in simple garb and simple manner, but not a simple heart or soul. And I thank you all, truly and deeply for all that you have done, the bonds of friendship run deeper than any of us seem to realize i guess. But with this last shout of triumph, I hope that you realize just how much you have done. Thank You.
  19. Nice igloo can't wait for next chapter