iWrite Co. 2.0

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Can I be a protector
  2. Marlin I'm JUST like that honestly I'm too lazy to write lol
  3. Haha see that would be a good position too bast. 
  4. Bastion can I plz be a protector :mrgreen:
  5. Yes you can :D
  6. Bast what about my suggestion? I think it be good. Im good at that stuff.
  7. To marlin
    I think the idea is good but can you put an eg down so we can dicide if you can join
    iWrite co Bio writer
  8. Jus write something and we decide
  9. Ok look on "the flying aces sign-ups" on page 6 my sign up is on there
  10. Although I don't post often, every other day is what I strive for, I think I'll put another story into the works.

    Ideas floatin' about, and like all my others, I'll take submissions
  11. emin3n-b3ast posted on the Merc, pay him a visit for me.
  12. ForsakenSoldier posted on Wolf Sabre...
  13. I think I might hav a story but should I go with u or iZaln?
  14. I'm back, forums wouldn't load for me...for about a week.