iWrite Co. 2.0

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Bastion, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Chapter 2 is up, after chapter 3 is finished I might need some help for ideas.
  2. Hey bast, why don't you work on your story?
  3. Ok

    I'm tigerluv btw just on a diff account

    Name: Zytrinda
    Age: unknown to humanity but is kept in the sacred book of Talknei
    Gender: male.
    Personality: A wise old man with the power to summon creatures great and small.

    My iPhone buzzing I brb
  4. Because I don't like it ost XD
  5. Ok. Sort about that. I continue from my other account.

    Weapon: His choice is his grand fathers dagger.

    That's it for now.
  6. Ok forget it. Going to iZaln.
  7. I told you you're In already XD
  8. No u didn't. I going to iZaln anyway. Bye. I might come back later. If I don't like iZaln of course
  9. Hell no you can't do that. You don't join us you can't. You get one chance.
  10. Well what's the diff. Tell me why IRS is better an I will consider it. I'm picky as u can tell
  11. We are more active?
  12. Ok. Hmmmmmm. Anything else??
  13. Dot have time. Just read our intros. It describes everything...and I'm doing u a favor by accepting u...we aren't suppose to e accepted new writers
  14. Sorry I put u thru that bastion. Luvs ya lots.
  15. Hey bast. Ari made this art school thing and it got me thinking. Maybe we could do a writi g school for all those that want to write but aren't quite sure how to. Wadda ya think??