ive changed my wais

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Jan 25, 2015.

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  1. I said don't get on ma nerves u moron
  2. Love me salty
  3. I farmed valentine for a long time. Got bored when I realized he was a sad moron.
  4. I'm seriously trying not to trol and stuf. You guys make it almost impossible cuz u almost begging me to abuse u.
  5. I feel you. I struggle with the same problems. it's almost as if we're the same person
  6. Salty's update:
    I finally dead lifted 600. I squatted 610. I could not bench press 600. I got a huge tear in my pec trying to. I think I'm done bp :(
  7. I also got into a bar fight last week. 3 chumps jumped me and I kicked all their lame asses. They broke my nose tho. I bleed like crazyyyyyyyy.

  8. I can confurm I kicked saltys azz
  9. The struggle is real :)
  10. Val realized that the way I spoke got me tons of mirers so he's trying so hard to be a copycat that is truli lame
  11. I'm glad you admitted you talk like a dumbass
  12. I did not admit to anythang. U on the oder hand just admitted u copy me
  13. That was the whole point, it's called imitation.
  14. Vak the no lifer strikes again!
  15. Lock per op request
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