Salty if you don't troll or flame then I don't know you anymore.. Support blows and sure knows how to ruin a good thing.. They take the side of the cry babies that complained about you. Forums would suck if there was no flaming.. After all this is a fighting game.. Why can't we banter lol
monkey poo = todds alt.and i dont know if saltys feet are still salty but i would guess his tongue is still acid .
Everyone already knows that my little sugarplum angel (lol) Any accts with ToddBacon, MTLB or MonkeyPoo are mine. It's no secret ...keep saving your lunch money Roni maybe one day you'll be able to afford a 2nd device/acct.
It's funny because sheriffs are trying to shut down the popular "police tracking app" (pffft) called "Waze" @title.
...much too lame Val go back to the NA v Yafi thread and keep kissing Yafi butt and cut down on the salt intake it's bad for your blood pressure
Naw Val "I got too much RL for mult. accts. (I have 3 ..maybe 4) Val try to muster some courage, you love insulting me but only only in the most passive aggressive manner possible. You can insult me directly if you want don't worry you don't have to be scared. Speaking of dumbass Roni, she'll man up more then you will. If she won't hold your hand and calm your nerves you can always ask your boyfriend Kaushin to do that for you.
lmao woulda, coulda, shoulda. Next time don't KAW drunk or while your smoking crack or eating salty poos or whatever it is you do.
You hear that? I'm scared to insult BaconTodd. Even the name baconTodd has 0 intimidation. Nevermind your stats or gold count.
yeah and barcode "Valentine" strikes fear in even the hardiest of men huh? Seriously Val at least I try to be funny ..mmmm doesn't always work, but a lot of the times it does. Your never funny your humor is drier then your mothers crotch. At your best your sarcastic ...but in a whinny 12 year old girl way.