iTunes Australia price hike

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R0X3Y, Oct 18, 2015.

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  1. Only thing Russia has been doing is bombing Isis, unlike america who routinely bomb innocents to move their own agenda forward.
  2. Russia bombing in Syria for three weeks. The US has been bombing somewhere in the middle east every day for the past 14 years tweak you dum as
  3. Hate to break it to you, friend; but Russia is probably bombing more than Isis. It is very likely that they are using this as an excuse to bomb the moderate/secular groups fighting the Assad regime, which Russia supports.

    The Russian government has been providing weapons to the Assad regime since the beginning of the war. In that time, a brutal dictator in cahoots with Russia has unleashed a reign of terror on the Syrian people.

    So, please don't give me that nonsense about an "American agenda". Especially concerning Russia.
  4. Some of you really just say the first thing that comes to your mind about America dont you, lol
  5. Shadow America supports Saudi Arabia a country that doesn't allow women to drive, has Sharia law, sentenced a 17 year old boy to death by crucifixion because of government protest last week. It has been bombing Yemen killing innocent civilians with American weapons so let's cut the bull crap. America started an illegal war in Iraq under false pretences and ousted gaddafi now look at Libya and Iraq isis are Al q are rampant with no law and order. Russia and America both are bad but America is worse and the biggest hypocrites of all. Waken up
  6. Russia also supports a repressive Islamic theocracy, called Iran. Russia also used proxies in the Ukraine to expand its land and influence.

    I'll wake up when I smell the goddamned bacon.
  7. It's called demand, take economics noob!
  8. Timezone noted TY. Ty lol
  9. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=177114

    Click the link above for more additional information regarding price change. This price hike is not only in Kaw, but for all apps for countries in those regions.
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