Its The Carmakers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Make sure you get a salad for lunch......

    ....and get in something comfortable, and eat it on your bed. Sexy-like.
  2. Support
  3. oh god that name :shock:
  4. Kim K and her mouth open, we all know what happened last time when she did that. Ha. :lol:
  5. Willy just made sweet, passionate love love to my cranal cavity.

    Youre too good to me, Willy 
  6. Sounds like some weird new form of butthurt to me :roll:



  8. Gifs on point
  9. The crazy thing is I'm watching house of cards right now. :lol:
  10. Who hurt you in your butthole? Ill farm them for you!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
  11. Excuse me :roll:
  12. Yo broham you tryin to bro up, bro?
  13. Dude, bro. Don't bro here, bro. This is a "no bro" brozone, bro.

  15. This approval of this thread in its entirety is definitely not post count farming, for I am a noob and know not what that means.
  16. I may start eating salad now
  17. Interesting rant Whilly. No economist factors nature into their projections. Corporations are driven by fickle investors not product and pride.
    Car well build a Tesla quickly while GM and goose stepping are too weak to lobby you into chapter 11. The automotive industry is a prime example of giving facades for hard earned cash. Paying taxes on used cars annoys me. Taxes were paid on the parts the labour and the sale so I object. Chrysler has never paid their taxes in Canada. When they threatened to pull out of Canada I said seize the factory and toss them out. Benz lost 1.3 billion owning the losers. Don't get me going on cars.

    Re Mother earth, she's slow methodical and deadly. She's culled every species as needed adapted them to the changed atmosphere 02-01. The TRex Sue was found protecting her two children and smaller spouse when the suffocated and froze into the rock.
    Man has been so focused on controlling people through invented deities they've never realized she has always been in charge. We expect quick response from her cause we demand instant gratification. An oak tree will develop poison seeds to kill a young sapling maple near it. This takes about 5-7 years. It's deliberate aggressive final and too slow for most of us to see.