it's not an exploit but it's a glitch

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Domo, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Pfft !! I think you are missing the point. 0 actions shouldn't get rewards not even what you spent in mith. Not a game changer.

    @ Snr As soon as you name call you have lost the credibility of your your opinion.

  2. Ok well you just wait for kaw to do something about it.

    Happy kawing

  3. u can't exploit dumb, cause ur dumb..
  4. Ok let's carry on then with the debate, let's see how low you can go debating with me lol.

    I don't consider calling Robbie an idiot as name calling as he's proved my comment to be true often enough.

    I don't know you but you sound like you want to be him with the way you are writing your posts. You write like you might do if you were emailing the devs, which is the only way a rule change will happen. However no one else would see that and it's clearly obvious this is only being posted because its zaft and you are in osw against them. You must believe you can do them some damage by such posts but so far have simply shown you to be sad, weak and a trifle butthurt lol.

    I've had various pm'sfrom zaft and from your allies over the first thread saying they wished the thread would just die as it's not showing anyone in a good light.

    I'm neutral in your war and since it started I've hit people on both sides including folk in zaft, LR, HoG, HiT and UC over something or other so clearly I have no reason to post other than I think the idea is stupid and the reason for the thread obviously about the war and not the issue.

    Email the devs with suggested rule change and see where you get too but keep bringing it to forums will keep giving me opportunities to make you look stupid lol.

    Snr 
  5. EE is a gamble, 0 actions shouldnt get anything, thats like heading to Vegas losing big then getting a refund lmao 0 actions should void entitlement to mith return, if it's cast an not used it's a wasted effort 0 actions should Net nothing from the EE system
  7. When isn't zaft in osw ? When do you suggest would be the appropriate time to shed light on this situation? This wouldn't be the first time that zaft ee was like this. Just the first time someone brought it to your attention. It's no different than mith wars.

    I'll say it again so a sixth grader can understand it. Snr, lil buddy you know when your running down the soccer field getting ready to score on the goalie? Except you don't have the ball, but you fake air kick and it goes in the goal. Yeah and everyone cheers for you cuz it was the winning goal. You felt good right? It was fun, yeah ?? Cool. But hey....hmmm......I'm sorry it didn't count. You know why lil buddy ? Well you gotta have the ball to score, so maybe next time we can take the ball down field instead going through the motions of a game and get your trophy with 0 effort.
  8. I don't disagree with no rewards or mith 'refunds' for no actions. As far as I know it was a one time occurrence and that was not the reason for it. I believe devs already monitoring but feel free to email your concern if change is really what you seek here.

    It's been highlighted and made to seem rampant with Zaft only because of personal vendettas. On that note, I'm surprised nobody mentioned that HoG is really in no position to take any moral high grounds given past and present practices.

    Cheers 
  9. @domo. You can win any sporting event with a forfeit. If a team chooses not to take the field the other team wins. Guess they didn't tell you that during your summers at tuba camp?

    An exploit would have been for one side to play dead while the other hit them the whole war. That's what mwars were.

    As for listening to our leaders, I talk with them every day as I am one. We've had cf requests from every family on your side. Too bad for you some of you are not worthy of a cf 
  10. For one it does say any mith casted will be added to the reward with that said everyone who cast 14 mith will be added together with the other clans mith then redistributed for the winning clan it does not say you get back what you casted.

    In this case with zaft if one person hit to declare a winner then that one person should solely get all the mith rewarded at the end not the whole winning clan. Since everyone still got rewarded then there is a problem it's like having everyone war but the person who was inactive getting more mith than the person with the most plunder.

    EE WARS ARE FLAWED the system is flawed
    When there is a flaw it's usually a glitch and needs to be looked at in depth and not thrown out and forgotten about.
  11. Keep it coming 

    You don't like the current rules then why not talk to those who can change it as opposed to debate with me? The answer is the original thread was made to try to hurt or denigrate (you'll have to look that one up I bet ) zaft and backfired. Stupid Robbie then tried again and kaw admin pwned him. Now here you are for a third time and still getting nowhere. Zaft don't look bad over this as they did what they did for valid reasons.

    As for your pitiful attempt at trying to be funny you are missing the obvious which is:-

    they did turn up,

    they did put mith on,

    they did win a war against another clan by getting more gold than the other clan

    They did follow the rules and got the rewards that the rules say

    So there is no air kick, fake this or fake that nonsense - it was an actual event - they won and got the rewards ie return of mith and other mith based on their actions in the war. Which for all but 1 person was zero.

    You think 0 actions should equal 0 mith then fine but at the time of that war it didn't and no whining or crying changes that.

    What's your next attempt gonna be, as I will play with ya as long as you want, I'm not even having to try hard. In fact - are you sure you're not Robbie?

    Snr 
  12. You guys still taking about this? kaw_admin already answered that clans can war as they want. You got a direct statement about the dev's position (which is impressive) and another thread on this topic was not needed.

    On a side note: I'm almost never in a winning EE clan as I don't pick a clan for a season. I've gone to plenty of clans right off of world chat. Now you've taunting KaW_admin to make losing "cost more" so great for all of us that don't EE with rising hawks and the like. Thanks again, jacka**!
  13. @zero
    Just an FYI, we've had cf requests from your families as well.
    I know forums is a tool in osw with the powerful tactic of misconception and propaganda, but lets not mislead the general kaw 'public'.
  14. All that rage over 1 hit that won a war lmao, o_0 1 hit won a whole war lmao highly not possible in kaw unless one party took a dive, Zaft is way to big to be accepting dives, must been a friend letting friends win kinda deal which isn't fair to the peeps actually trying, 1hit isn't trying it's scamming all day long peeps just fear saying so cause they fear Inc, I have nothing against zaft but 1hit in EE isn't a war it's a test to cheat the system an it worked BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  15. butthurt
  16. @pete. Only one person from zaft has the power to make a cf for the whole family...and be isn't asking. Trust me. Secondly, please produce any requests from WDGAF leaders, that's a challenge.

    Your side has had entire clans given cf. You can see our clan page for details. Our side has had zero clans leave the war. You may not be aware of who is asking for what on your side as they may be brokering their own deals without you. I haven't personally seen any requests from apoc leaders although some have been made on their behalf by other allay me leaders. That's food for thought my friend 
  17. Lol. It's the liberal "you show up you get a trophy" response snr. This one ee war HAS NOT been the first glitch I've seen, and yes it's been zaft clans every time. If they match up vs ea other they do the same thing. Now while others are looking in on this thread they are thinking what's the big deal? Big deal is 2 zaft clans match up (new world pirates is a zaft ee clan) they don't war except 1 action then ppl with 0 actions get rewarded. If they are so hell bent on not warring then nobody hit, but 0 actions get paid.
  18. Once again I'll refer to the New Age doing this constantly. ***** about them and stop being butthurt and trying to get your opponents banned from the game.
  19. @domo. Go check warlor war history. On several occasions they have performed zero actions or basically zero (losing by 75 bil or more).

    When can we expect you to call them out in forums??? Shouldn't you and your piggies be working on the next actual cheating method to use so poppa and momma can start playing again??

    I believe the number of ZAFT/WDGAF leaders called out in forums by the devs for cheating is ZERO. I can think of at least 5 on your side off the top of my head. Why don't you clean up your own family before you play "kaw social worker" to ours. 
  20. Finally - as you say it's all about zaft zaft and zaft - nothing about ee wars, just butthurt about those naughty little people over in zaft who are not being nice to you - aww poor you.

     at least you now admitted its all about your osw n zaft and not a noble cause for ee like you stupidly tried to make it.

    Keep it coming - im on a break from hitting folk for Xmas and not working for a few days so all the time in the world for you and your noble causes nonsense.

    Snr 