I loooove you for posting a new chapter It's really great and sad WHY DID WOLFGANG HAVE TO DIIE? *throws a chair* xD
I'm guessing the "Multiply the books in this library" was a typo because you forgot the "by the books", so therefore it is wrong...?
No..it's obvious if you think about it...hint: you must find the answer fair and *HACKCOUGH* square *COUGHEVFKBEK*
I'm guessing it's that square would be with the "2", whilst cubes is with the "3", so I'm guessing you meant to say, "take that number and multiply it to the power of 8"?
Well... Who was the assassin she killed...? Or will we learn it in the next chapter?!?! DUN DUN DUN DUN! Also, I love the story, keep it going
3 things 1 THIS STORY IS AMAZING 2 were the needles in her face still since they got there? Through that whole thing? 3 the elven peoples and kaka(something) were watching her through the whole time that the thing between her and the assassin was happening? And okay i lied.. 4 i was late for school cause of this story
For 1, thank you very much 2- hmm, sorry, Quarin took them out during the 'healing' 3- there were still enemies left, however I have yet to describe those battles. Thanks for reading, everyone! Chapter 10 should be up this weekend, but it's a 3 day weekend so I might -coughcough- probably will -cough- get distracted