It's A Long Story- Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Allioss, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Allioss. Don't tell us what you're planning.

    Just let us guess. :)
  2. Sure can do :p
  3. This is a test
  4. Yay it worked :D
  5. Like the new chapter! The "Vampire rage" intrigues me, I want to see what you'll do with it later on.
  6. My inspiration for the Bloodrage is in Gamers on (popular video site), when Mark the Red goes into a beserker rage. :p
  7. Lol. It's a good thing to implement into your story.
  8. Thank you, I can't wait for your story to be posted :)
  9. :) I'm planning on finishing the last two chapters of my first story, and also finishing the first chapter of Defiance tomorrow. I'll probably be putting then at 30minute intervals, in order, Defiance going last.
  10. Cool! I look forward to them
  11. It's very good so far. I can't wait for the next chapter 
  12. YAY! My character is in!!!! Continue! Amazing story!
  13. Yaaaay, I love it 
  14. I doodled Poiz's scimi, if you guys want to see it :S
  15. I'd love to see it 
  16. Pretty good! Don't post on story though.. Since we're past that.
  17. Ok! Thanks for the feedback Phoenix and Okami :)
  18. Hey! If you want, I can draw some stuff for you!

    Great story, btw. I like the two viewpoints (story character and storyteller)