Ithaca will be miss

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pokerman88, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Hmm, unknown-killer , u r saying chinese r stupid n worst then aliens..? U r being racist here dude . Becareful when u talk . Mod should ban this guy . Let me remind u , lot of zaft player r chinese . This game never say chinese cannot play n bad singular n plurals r not allow here . Is all abt war .
  2. Butthurt much? Ban? All i did was asked if you were chinesse, was i being racist? No.. I didnt actually say that chinesse are bad at talking english, i was just asking a question.. You know what that is? A question is like that  .. Thats a question. It ends with (?) .
  3. Unknown didn't directly insult Chinese people at all. Anyway I'm half Chinese and I'm not taking any offense at all. Then again, I'm using correct grammar.
  4. Thats what im saying. This guy be assuming things that arent even real. Learn how to read and understand the concept of english, it'll help you alot i swear.
  5. LOL did u just say ( didnt directly insult chinese) so indirectly he did insult chinese n this is racist . We all r human n not alien , so u will be ban n i will report u to dev n mod . Nice alt there to support u dude lol . Teach me english , hmmm i wont learn from racist . Freedoom n peace . No racist allow here in forum . Dont look down on human tks
  6. It's not racist... Grammar has nothing to do with racism... He is not racially discriminating you in anyway.
  7. Go ahead and report me like you would, i'm sure i did not offended anyone with that comment, you're just overseeing it and doesnt understand what was said. I'm pretty sure i didn't say that chinesse are like "aliens" and "worse" than them. So please, i beg, report me and prove me wrong. And oh really? My alt? Let me inform you a bit, this is my one and only account, i dot have alts nor main, this is it. You really are dumb, get your fact straight first before you start saying crap that isnt even true.
  8. Perhaps you're the one who should be banned for accusing me of 'Racism' . Cause if this was in real life, i wouldnt back down to go to court with you cause i can reassure you, that i did not say anything racist.
  9. Bump - for people to see how racist i was.
  10. Waa
  11. Lmao, u must be very scare now right, acc got banned, nah real life hahaha , dont play with chinese n never look down on ppl . I was born ready for ppl like u . Looking down on human . Wahahahaha . . . . Butt hurt big time . . ? Lmfao
  12. U my friend are confused.

    U need to either leave this thread.
    Or show up with your main.

    If you do not have the mental capabilities to do so.
    U really need to just cyber die
  13. Scared? When im telling you to go aheadand report me? You must be joking, i dont look down cause i believe "All man are created equal" meaning we all have the same opportunities to do certain things. You must be a teenager who thinks he/she knows better than others.. And butthurt? I'm not butthurt. I'm trying to tell you that, you are wrong, i wasnt racially discriminating chinesse people in any way. I have nothing against them.
  14. I miss this
  15. He gave the account to Laoda? That's a nice gift. Prolly worth a bit of coin.
  16. Im back ,lol now u sound more like it tone down hahaha, i can tell how u feel now , i forgive u this time . Next time again i will vanish u dumb ass , wahahahaha .
  17. Too funny.

    Failures that fail to fail and in an attempt not to fail. Fail again
  18. Lol Pepsi
  19. I don't know how someone's "singulars and plurals" has to do with anyone being Chinese at all. But why Chinese? Couldn't pick a different race? Your grammar and spelling (dumn) isn't that much better. Not all KaW players use english as their first language.
  20. For once, I agree with Pinky