Yes I know, but I can slowly strip farm you a bil at a time. Actually I have around 4.759 bil or something... I can also get a few friends to help me.
How is he a noob? If my main isn't a noob, my alt isn't either. Please stop with the annoying misconceptions. Also, I don't have my main currently, so suck it. And also, it's fun to threaten people with a weak profile, because they laugh at you, until they're stripped.
And Unstable, the amount of gold spent on my current build and pots, is way more money than you'll ever have for a LONG time.
This thread has gone into the pit of the off topicness void of topicness this thread will soon be sucked down into the pit thank you.
Thank you Swii, for that highly informative post. Now please get off my thread. Also, iTex, ADMIT that the "it" post took you five minutes to make with all the BB Codes.
Btw, touch tex and Ill fund a damn stimulus with your gold. "I try my shirts off" -SA- Winning since 09