
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. everybody ha-ates beatle
  2. *bretella
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  3. Don't know much about you guys :/
  4. everybody ha-ates brett
  5. Fo shoo.
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  6.  Kill ALL the bad people.
  7. I like how iTexington didn't reply until later :3
  8. Tex you never said yes or no...
  9. Leading us to believe.... That you are...

    A Martian.
  10. Theres never any threads with my name on it...
  11. Wait. Think you're a girl?!?!?! OMG! might be a half cooked egg. Neither here nor there. Baahahahaha
  12. Irwin seems to be high.
  13. it's the caffeine. Gotta cut down on tea. Hehe
  14. iTex is actually pretty annoying sometimes...
    She caps-rages one time too many and makes me want to strip her, which I might soon...
  15. Your name is all caps dumb hoe
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09
  16. Damn Shadow, trying to grab at strings?
    I am not a hoe, nor a whore, nor any other discriminatory term.
    And yes, I know my name is all caps, and so do I know it's spelled "Maelstrom", and the name is open.

    Well, I can easily strip tex, in fact I have a quick open 4 bil currently.
  17. Discriminatory? I hate you all equally! :D
    "I try my shirts off"
    -SA- Winning since 09