
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. :,( its true

    He's too cool for me
  2. Maybe,just maybe, we can talk Swabia into making Kyle reset too 
  3. @beatle hurry up and grow -.-
  4. I knew Beatlemania would be back.
  5. Hahah look at his clan!!! Look Also at the description of his clan!!!!!
  6. So you reset an lc account to build nothing? Go figure
  7. It's ok beatle, your balls will drop some day.
  8. Teehee Swabia raped me yesterday...

    In the back of his mobile mancave'

    Stolen from that one commercial xD
  9. Plus one internets?? Lol I g2g write an essay bbl
  10. almost done :mrgreen:
  11. @irwin I never knew either, lol
  12. Beatlemania is the biggest loser ever
  13. I tot iTex is a boy who likes Tex Mex Burgers. Baahahahaha