Item/Equipment Hunting For The Non-HLBC - A Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. If that was indeed three unload then by my calculations you used around 180 items in the item stage.
  2. 172 to be exact. Look, the SS I posted was closer to 4 hours than 3, so most likely, my non-item actions were closer to the 250 range, which means I used about 100 items. If you're going to write your dissertation on haunting plunder, then go ahead and do the calculation yourself.

    The chart and graph I made were a rough guide. If you're going to nit pick it, then run some numbers yourself and post your results. The general idea still stands. You make way more in haunting than you do doing any other EB. Period.
  3. Not necessarily. ToC pays way more than a haunting does, especially if you can complete it in under 4 hours, which by now most clans with big players are doing. Especially using crystals. Average ToC pays ~250 bil, average haunting pays ~80b depending on clan.

    Time for completion should also be factored when you think about which pays better.
  4. Most clans can't do a fast TOC without most players max Xstaling. If you use 6 Xstals yourself in Haunting you will end up with more then you would using 6 in TOC.
  5. You guys are missing the big picture here. On a per EB basis, of course haunting pays less than FoD, CoD, and ToC. The most important factor is gold earned per day. If you look at the charts I made, it's clear the haunting is the highest paying EB on a "gold per day" basis.